Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Now my normal reaction to seeing Evan Wright in my home would be to throw a tantrum and kick him out. But having my children here looking excited to have someone else other than my mother and me for dinner I can’t bring myself to do it. So I pull myself together and pretend to be just as excited.

“It’s so good to see you Evan!” I say throwing my arms around him to give him a friendly hug. 

I can tell he is surprised by my reaction because it takes him a second to hug me back. When he does hug me I feel such a sensation coursing through my body. I pull away immediately and just throw on my best fake smile I could.

“How long has it been since you have seen Evan?” I hear my mom say from behind me.

“Actually, Evan is my new boss,” I reply to her, “Isn’t that right Evan?”

“Yes that is right Lee. I am the new director of operations Mrs. Miller.” he says with his charming smile.

Your probably wondering why my mother didn’t know that Evan was my high school love and that he left me to be in the marines. Well, in all honesty my mother was a drunk when I was in high school. I would take care of myself. The only time she wasn’t drunk was when she was sleeping. I never told her about Evan and I dating. We never had that mother-daughter relationship where we talked about boys and high school drama. We were pretty much strangers until Chelsea and Ryland were born.

“Well what a surprise. Ally never mentioned you being her new boss.” Mom says giving me a curious look.

“Well he just started yesterday, so it must have just slipped my mind. I was so exhausted yesterday that I must have forgotten to mention that.” I say.

“Grandma are the burgers almost done?” I hear Ryland ask.

“Yes sweetheart go on and sit down at the picnic table. Chelsea can you grab some sodas for the adults and some juice boxes for you and Ryland?”

“Yes Grandma.” She replies before running to the house.

“Well Evan if you would like to take a seat we can start dinner.” Mom says directing him to the picnic table.

“Thank you, Mrs. Miller. Do you need help with anything?” he asks.

“No I am good but thanks anyways.” 

We all sit at the picnic table and grab plates. We eat making polite conversation about work, school and my mothers new patient. It is really nice being able to talk to someone other than my mother and Krista. Evan keeps taking glances towards me but as soon as I look at him he turns his head. Chelsea and Ryland get along with him quite well, making jokes and giggling like crazy.

“Lee do you want to go for a walk with me?” I hear Evan say.

“I really shouldn’t. I need to get the kids to bed for school tomorrow.” I say while picking up everyone’s plates.

“Oh don’t worry about the kids,” Mom begins, “Ill put the children to bed. You go ahead and catch up with your old friend.” She grabs the plates from me and gestures for me to go on.

I look at Evan who is waiting for me by the door. Do I really want to do this? Be alone with Evan Wright? Yes, I do. As much as my subconscious is telling me to protect my heart, my heart is brave and doesn’t need protecting. It needs love. I loved Eric deeply, but never as much as I should have. I guess I always hoped that one day I would wake up and that it was all a dream. That I was married to Evan and that we had two children together. I may sound like a horrible person but my grandfather once told me that life only gives you one true love. That you should do anything and everything to be with that person. I guess this is life giving me back my one true love. 

I look at Evan and smile, “Give me a minute and I’ll meet you by the front door.”

He smiles and nods his head in understanding.

I walk towards Chelsea and Ryland and give them each a big hug and kiss on their forehead. 

“I love you guys. When I get back I’ll go in and check on you. Be good for Grandma.” I say to them.

“I love you too Mama.” says Chelsea.

Ryland just stands there looking both mad and confused.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” I ask him.

“Is Evan going to be our new daddy?” he replies a little sad.

“No baby. Evan is just an old friend that I want to catch up with.”

“I saw the way he looked at you Mama. He likes you. Do you like him?” I can see the curiosity in his eyes.

“I do like him, but not the way you may think. Evan and I were best friends in high school. We haven’t seen each other in a long time and would just like to be friends again. You never have to worry about anyone ever taking your daddy’s place. That would never happen.” I say caressing his cheek.

“I know that no one could take daddy’s place. But Mama, if he makes you happy then I don’t mind him being your boyfriend. He is nice and funny, and he likes football.” he says with excitement.

I giggle at his excitement and can’t help but get a little teary. My baby isn’t a baby anymore. He is probably more mature than I am, when he wants to be that is. Its just then that I realize that I didn’t get a call from the school today.

“Ryland, did you get in trouble at school today?” I ask curiously.

“No Mama, I didn’t. I was extra good.” he says proudly.

“Well then I am extra proud of you.” I tell him with a huge smile on my face. And I really am. It has been so long since he has gone a day without getting into trouble.

“Thank you both for being so kind to my friend but I better get going. Get showered and in bed. I love you.” I give them another hug and head to the front door.

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