Chapter 4

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I gave Rick directions to my tree house to retrieve my stuff. when we got there i noticed a little car that wasn't there when i left.

"Stay here" i told the group. " I'm gonna see who's here." They didn't question me and did as i told them.

I heard noises coming from inside the house so i went around back and slipped in through the back door. the noises were coming from the living room so i stayed in the kitchen an hid in the pantry. The footsteps started getting louder meaning they coming closer to me. the stopped right in front of the door to where i was hiding.

"Scott get in here we cleared that already!" a mans booming voice yelled across the house.

"Just making sure we got everything Henry!" the man in front of the door yelled back.

He slowly started walking away until i could no longer hear the footsteps. i heard the front door open then close.

I stepped out of the small cramped space and looked around making sure that everyone left and eased back out to my tree house.

I climbed up the ladder to the room i call home and grab my blanket, my small bag of clothes and all of my food.

I climb down the ladder and walk to the car. Rick pops the trunk for me to set my stuff in to the car. I quickly put my stuff into the trunk and sit in the back if the car.

We drive to this 'safe place' in complete silence the only noise is that of the cars engine as it hums.

We pull into a long drive way and past a long fence. 'This is a safe place' i think to myself.

We pull up to a two story farm house painted white with a fire pit in front with people around it sitting on logs. around them are tents and a RV.

"This is a safe place it looks like a farm that hasn't been over run yet." I say to no one particularly.

"This is my home we haven't had any 'walkers' here since it all started!" Maggie practically yells at me.

We get out of the vehicle and grab my stuff. I walk up to Rick and ask him where i should put my stuff. "just put in the RV." a man says walking up to me and Rick. i instantly feel like i can trust him, something about him has a warm fatherly feeling. " I'm Dale, the RV is mine, if you want you can stay in there as well its comfortable and i have plenty of room in there." he says

"Thanks and i would love to its probably the closest to my tree house than anything." I say accepting his invite.

I put my stuff in the RV and walk over to the fire they have started and stand back.

"Hey!" a little voice says running up to me. its a little boy maybe around the age of ten. "my names Carl whats yours?" he asks me.

"Im Kylie, is Rick your dad?" I ask because he looks like a much younger version of him.

"Yea and that over there is my mom, her name is Lori." he says pointing to a beautiful lady on a log by the fire.

"Well are ya gonna take me to meet her?"I ask him playfully as he takes my hand pulling me over to her.

"Mom this is Kylie, Kylie this is my mom!" he says.

"Hi your the girl Rick said saved there hides. thank you so much i don't know what i would do if he had died!" she says with tears forming in her eyes.

"It was no trouble i did what i thought was the right thing." i say in my country accent.


Well she made it to the farm what do you guys think good terrible

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