Chapter 2

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I was on my way out of that town, headed as far from it as I could but I was going to find the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia. I was going to find Richard.

I got about a mile from my house when I saw some one walking in the road, slowly, dragging their feet and stumbling along the road. I slowed down when I came close to them and they turned around to reveal a face oozing out blood and skin ripped halfway off of their face. It had to be a zombie. I put the gas pedal to the floor and hit that monster sending it flying about 15 feet in front of me. It got back up and I stepped out of the car grabbing one of my dads knives. I walked up to it and drove the knife through its skull hearing a sickening crunch. I froze. "What have I done?" I said sounding alarmed and confused. I looked down at the now lifeless body with a knife in its forehead. "Omg! MOM!!!!" I dropped to the ground crying. I just killed my mom.

I got up wiping the tears from my eyes and got back in the car. I drove away trying to forget what I had just done. I killed a person, not just any person, it was my mom.

It started getting dark but I didn't care, I kept driving, I drove for hours until I finally was tired. I was in Alabama, not seeing one living person, starting to doubt whether or not I would see any one ever again.

My car started to sputter and it stopped. "MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!" I'm out of gas. Now what. Its still dark so I decide that I'll just sleep here for the night. I jump into the backseat grabbing a blanket and a pillow I put the bags on the floor and the front seat so I can lay in the seat. I lay down the pillow and cover with the blanket drifting into a deep sleep.

*in the morning*

I wake up to the sound of people talking nearby. I shot up to a sitting position in my car and look around outside through the windows. I must have been dreaming there was no one there. 'Way to get my hopes up' I thought I groan and get up deciding that i better start looking for gas. Lucky for me I'm surrounded by cars and trucks. 'How did I not see that last night'. I get out of the car with one knife in my hand and one in my combat boots. I look around and find three gas cans in the back of a truck and find a water hose in another I cut the water hose longer enough to siphon gas out of the vehicles and I had enough gas to fill up my car and fill all of the gas cans full.

I put the gas in my trunk and start on my drive again.

I made a game called count the walkers. What you do is you count as many walkers as you can but only one problem. IM ALONE!!!! 'I need to find company, and fast or I'm gonna go insane.'

I get to a little town and decide to stop and get a little practice with the guns, and get some amo and stuff. I find a little guns store and decide to take a look inside. I walk up to a window and look inside to see about five walkers. One notices me and starts banging on the window, attracting the others this is gonna be harder than I thought.

I walk away and go to a truck stop I look through the window and see only two walkers. I open the door and the bell rings getting there attention. They stumble towards me and I draw my knife from my boot. 'Time for the practice' I joke to myself. I chuckle at my inside joke and step forward plunging the knife into the bastards skull. One down one more two go. The walker goes to grab me but I quickly spin around it putting it in a choke hold and stab it in the temple. Alright not bad for my first killing, well, first purposely killing.

I look around the store and grab all the food and weapons I can. And that's when I saw it. The last two packs of cigarettes sitting on the shelf behind the counter. I jump over the counter and grab them. I instantly pack the cigarettes and take one out finding a lighter on the counter and light it. I cough once before smoking the cigarette while saving the rest for later.

I take the stuff back to my car and put it in the passenger seat. I grab a Twinkie I found in the store and eat it quickly before going back to the gun store to finish the walkers off.


I hope you guys like this chapter I'm gonna try to update again soon! Tell people about this story I need some readers guys. Dont forget to vote comment and follow!

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