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*Alisha's POV*
Everyone's asleep so I decide to wake up Harry and told him to look at Saph and Harv!!👍
He woke up groaning😴but his reaction was an 'awh'😂
Harry:We did it,we got them together!🎉
Alisha: I know yeah,we make a great team,I'm gonna take a picture and tag it them on Twitter.
@alisha: @Harvey & @Sapphire awh they make a cute couple!😴❤️
"Attached image"
Me&Harry make breakfast for us,Harvey,Sapphire,Harveys mom and bro🍝
*45mins later⌚️*
Harvey&Sapphire wake up
Alisha:breakfast is done for you both😊
Harvey&Saph:thanks guys
They ate🍝
Sapphire:I'm going to get ready now🙋
Harvey:me too🙋
Alisha&Harry:What Ever we watching Spongebob😂
Harvey and Sapphire went to get changed...
Harvey:hey,Sapphire🙋can I ask you something😘
Harvey:will you be my girlfriend!!! ILY!!! I've never felt this way about a girl❤️
Sapphire jumped up at Harvey while hugging him👫
*London Studio*
*Sapphires POV*
We told Harry and Alisha that we are officially together💁but I'm really nervous to meet Harveys managers🙈

Me:Harvey I'm nervous to meet them🙈
Harvey:don't worry they are cool👍
They got here and me and Harvey walked in,while Alisha and Harry waited outside...❤️

Blair:hello,you must be Sapphire🙋
Me:hello,nice to meet you both🙋
Dan:and you,so saw a video of you and Harvey singing,me and Blair were thinking of signing you👍
Blair:you look confident on stage😊
Sapphire:thank you but it was all thanks to Harvey😘
Harvey:haha😂,you did it by yourself🎉
Dan: here is the contract,so would like to sign it and join alpha family?💁Me:Yes!🎉
I signed the papers!!!
Dan:we are all going for a meal later with Overload,PowPowGirls,Bars&Melody,would you like to come?👍
Sapphire:yeah please😊
*me and Harvey told Alisha and Harry the news*
I phoned my mom to tell her!
Mom:hello Sapphire?
Me:mom guess what!!!!
Me:I got signed for a singing management,HARVEY CANTWELL'S management!!!🎉they invited me to a dinner with the whole alpha family can go please?!! Please?! Please?!!!
Mom:Well done Sapphire,I'm proud of you and course you can!!!👍
*skip to the meal*

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