A Wise Girl's Dozen

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Annabeth had spent all morning preparing for Atlanta's birthday. She had woken up at 7:13 A.M. and packed lunch for her daughter's party. She had made peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches. She had also cut up celery stalks and packed them with baby carrots, so that Atlanta could dip them in hummus. She had cut up three honeycrisp apples and puts the slices in plastic baggies. Atlanta often liked to dip her apple slices in peanut butter, so Annabeth had packed some of it.

        Once the lunch was packed, Annabeth had packed a picnic blanket. Atlanta had nicknamed it the "Golden Fleece" because it was golden and soft. They had found it at a thrift store and their dog, Pelias, enjoyed sleeping on it. Annabeth kept it in her closet so the dog couldn't get to it.

       By the time it was 9:45 A.M., Atlanta was hopping around the apartment like a bunny. Pelias was following her like a dog follows his prey, but when he caught up with her, he licked her cheek gently. Atlanta giggled and hugged him.

     "Momma, when are we leaving?" Atlanta asked. "I can't wait to meet my friends at the park!"

     Atlanta was best friends with two girls named Yasmin and Jasmine. The two girls were twins and their parents sometimes babysat Atlanta. Atlanta has picked up some Farsi at their house and she had begged her mother to teach her more, which had resulted in Annabeth promising to find her a tutor when she was older.

     "You're ready, Atlanta?" Annabeth asked. "Have you washed your hands?"

    Atlanta's grey sweater was covered in dog hairs and her hands were smeared with dust. She giggled and shook her head.

    "Go wash them and then we can go to Monsters' Donuts and then meet your friends at the park," Annabeth said.

      Atlanta sighed noisily and then stood up. She walked to the bathroom and Annabeth heard the faucet turn on. When Atlanta returned her grey eyes were bright and her hands were cleaner.

     "I'm ready, Momma," she announced.

      Annabeth smiled; she was so lucky to have the day off.

      "Donuts!" Atlanta squeaked as they entered Monsters' Donuts.

    She ran to the display and put her face up to the edge of the glass. Donuts of all shapes and sizes and colors flooded her vision. As Annabeth followed her daughter, the sugary, yeasty scent of donuts filled her nose. She remembered how her father used to take her out for donuts on Sundays. He would dip his doughnut into coffee while Annabeth munched on her pastry and they debated about politics and literature.

     "I'm here to pick up my order," Annabeth told the dark-haired worker at the counter.

    His name tag read "Percy" and though Annabeth had seen him twice before, she thought of him only as a donut decorator or "Seaweed Brain." Percy gave her a smile and then handed her a box of donuts. Annabeth opened up the box to make sure he got her order right. Thirteen donuts looked up at her.

   "You gave me an extra," Annabeth said. "I only paid for a dozen."

   "Consider it a Wise Girl's dozen," Percy said.

    "You are such a Seaweed Brain," she said, but as she left the building with her daughter, she felt as if she had drank a warm glass of coffee.


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