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I'm 15 today but it's nothing to celebrate. There's no point wishing for things I won't get it's been this way since I was 8. When my sister and I met Roman at first it was nice he was nice then I came to understand that he doesn't see me. He only sees her Alaina my sister my twin he sees her he hears her he knows everything about her and he thinks that my likes are the same as hers is .When he buys things he buys things she would like things I will never wear or use or even listen to. When I talk to him he doesn't listen he thinks he knows me. He's the alphas son not long after we met the alpha spoke to my parents about a mating between the 3 of us it's not uncommon to have more than one mate so my parents agreed and Alaina has always been so happy about it whenever I try to voice my feelings or my opinion she shuts me down tells me how selfish I am how ungrateful I am how he loves us so much and why can't I see it. Well why wouldn't she say that he knows everything about her he knows her favorite color, her favorite clothing brand ,her favorite music her favorite food whatever it is about her he knows. But he doesn't know any of those things about me even if he asked, even if I told him he still doesn't know them. Whenever he buys me a gift is something she would like. When he takes us out on dates we watch movies she likes we go to restaurants she likes When he orders our food he orders me her favorite . I just don't understand how nobody else understands that I don't want mate who doesn't know me doesn't want to get to know me I want a mate that looks at me and sees me for who I am. Who wants me. I just have to figure out what to do I can't be with people that don't care about my opinions stuck in a mating with a sister who only cares about what she wants and a man that doesn't even know my favorite color .My life is so unfair I can't do anything I want to do I have no say in my own life ,I don't have any friends because Roman doesn't want me around boys and Alaina keep the girls away the only friends I can have or the ones they approve of which are Alainas friends which I have no interest in, nothing in common with I wouldn't mind playing volleyball I tried to join the team but according to my mates it's too dangerous Same thing with soccer Now I'm stuck being a cheerleader because Alaina is one. I don't understand they're so happy together they don't need me I don't understand why they want to make my life miserable by having me. When Roman was in school he kept an eye on me now that he's 20 and working with his father.Alaina keeps me miserable I Just need to find a way out, I need to talk to the alpha our mating isn't official yet even though Roman and Alaina treats it like it is Maybe I could use that my parents don't know but I've seen them make out with each other or a little more than that heavy petting my parents call it. Roman took us out for our birthday this year we went out of town stayed at a hotel together Alaina and I were supposed to share a room but we didn't ,they did. I left halfway through the date because I got mad we were supposed to do things together Things we all wanted to do but we did everything Alaina wanted to do and nothing I wanted to do. I got my feelings hurt and went back to my hotel room Alaina never came back to our room that night. I'll go talk to the alpha first I should be able to find him in his office yep I'll do that first.

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