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Nerris's eyes shot open and she tensed up momentarily before she relaxed. The burning pain from her dream faded into a relaxing warmth from Harrison's lips. She hummed quietly and tilted her head to the side as she felt Harrison pull away slightly, his breath hitting the side of her neck where she was sure a bruise would be forming.

"You were talking in your sleep again" he said quietly with a frown though she didn't open her eyes she knew the expression he had. A mixture of worry and sadness. She didn't ask what she had been saying since she knew it was bad. It always was. She moved closer to him and rolled over, burying her face in his bare chest with a small sigh as she felt arms wrap around her in a protective manner. There was a few minutes of silence before he spoke up again.

"You could see a therapist you know" he suggested. To Nerris it seemed like he told her this every day. And each day she gave him the same answer.

"I've been through enough therapists" she murmured with a frown. She felt his chest fall as he sighed quietly but he didn't protest. They laid there for a while longer until Nerris sat up and stretched her arms above her head with a yawn. Harrison watched her with a small smile. "Pervert" she mumbled with a smile as she looked over at him. He laughed quietly and sat up himself.

"Only for you" he replied with a soft chuckle. Nerris rolled her eyes with a smile as she got up and walked over to his dresser and pulling on one of his shirts since she was too lazy to find wherever hers was thrown to in the events of the night before.

"What do you want to eat?" she asked as she glanced over her shoulder at him. He had dragged himself out of the bed and had walked over to the door, presumably going to take a shower.

"Advil" he mumbled rubbing his temple, probably having a killer hangover. Nerris laughed quietly at him.

"Pancakes it is" she said as she walked over to kiss his cheek. "Hurry up, I'll have Advil ready when your done" she said as she patted his bare chest and slipped out of the room with a giggle and down the hallway.

About 30 minutes later Nerris heard the glass clink against the counter as the cup was set back down. Swiftly Harrison moved behind her, yet she didn't even acknowledge his presence as she kept humming quietly to herself and flipped the pancake in the pan in front of her.

With a sigh Harrison reached over her shoulder and snagged one off the plate next to the stove, earning him a light slap on the arm. He chuckled and retreated to the island in the middle of the kitchen that he used as a makeshift table. A few minutes later Nerris sat down the plate and grabbed two more. Harrison had already devoured the first one he stole and was ready reaching for the second.

"God Damn I missed your cooking" he said with a smile as he looked up at her. She laughed quietly as she sat down and grabbed the penut butter from the cupboard. As she sat down they started talking about random things as she covered her pancake in penut butter and rolled it up.

"I don't see how you can do that" Harrison commented as she drenched his own pancakes in syrup.

"And I don't see how the hell you eat that" Nerris replied sticking her tongue out at him. He laughed quietly as he took a bite and grinned at her, a bit of syrup dribbling out of his mouth and down his chin. His one eye scrunched up happily at the taste. She rolled her eyes with a small smile.

After they were both done eating Nerris quickly took both their plates to the sink. Harrison had a bad habit of never getting his dishes done. While she was trying to find dish soap she felt arms around her waist and a lips against her ear.

"Dishes can wait" Harrison whispered and spun her around, connecting their lips. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as she leaned into the kiss. He pulled away with a smile after a few moments and pulled her away from the sink.

He clicked on the radio that sat on the edge of the island that he kept for 'aesthetic purposes' as he put it. A random song started playing and Nerris found herself giggling as she was spun around. He lowered her into a dip and connected their lips again. Once she was released from the dip they slowly danced. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and leaned her head against his chest as they swayed. She didn't want the moment to ever come to a end. But if course it always did.

The music playing became distorted and darker suddenly. The light grip on her hips quickly became stronger, to the point it felt like she was going to pass out from the pain. Then the burning began. The heat felt like it penetrated each part of her body and made her flinch away in pain. When she looked up she was met with a grinning Harrison. His eye was pitch black and his smile was too large for it to be natural. He laughed and it seemed to echo around the space as the walls seemed to be moving in on them. Trapping them.

"Oh come on babe, you really thought I would let this little game to on forever, just give me what I need and this will be quick" he sneered as he leaned down closer to her face.

Welp first chapter of book 2 done- what do y'all think?

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