Sleeping Arrangements

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I see a beautiful girl walk in after my mom opens the door. I walk up to her and ask in english with a stutterd voice " Do you speak korean?"
 She answered me with the most angelic voice I've ever heard 
" Yes I do actually". I gave her the best smile I could and shook her hand " I'm Kim Taehyung you can call me V".
 "You know what I'll call you Tae". I nodded in agreement. She smiled, her smile was so gorgeous I almost melted right then and there." By the way my name is Y/N". "Nice to meet you Y/N"
 After our greeting I turned around and the rest of the boys were stargazed by something but, I didn't know. " What are you guys looking at like that?" Jimin and Jin pointed at Y/N. I wasn't surprised by this I mean they fall in love with every girl they see.
 I look back and Y/N is walking towards Jimin.


I walk towards the closest person that isn't Tae. "Hello I am Y/N what's yours?'' He started speaking in a clear confident voice " I'm would you like to go out sometime"? "I'll think about" I didn't want to be rude, I mean I only just met the guy. I walk to the next person who was next to Jimin.

 I hold out my hand " Hi I'm Y/N" He grabs my hand and shakes it " I'm Namjoon but call me RM". "Ok RM nice to meet you".
Next was a person with a very relaxed face but, he looked like he was mad " I'm - " I got cut off "I'm Yoongi call me Suga" He said it in a pretty strict voice. I thought to myself why would you greet someone with that kind of voice, I said " No I'm going to call you Yoongi if you didn't want me to call you Yoongi don't tell me". He gave me the nastiest death glare I have ever seen. I felt kind of scared after that but I turned violently to the next person.
"Hello I'm Y/N”. " Hello Y/N I'm Hoseok but my friends call me J-Hope, you can call me whatever though". I smiled the kindest I could " Thank you J-Hope for being nice to me after my last greeting" I look at Yoongi with a death glare he ignores it and rolls his eyes. 
"I'll call you Hobi and J-Hope". "Ok fine with me". “By the way, I'm known for being people hope but I can be your hope without the p though” he winks after. I give him an awkward appreciated smile even though I was a little surprised since he gave me the nicest greeting today. Next was someone with a smile getting ready to say something.

“Hi i’m Jin but besides that wanna know something”? “I’m Y/N and I guess what is it”? A voice speaks that I previously talked to “ Don’t do it Jin she doesn’t need this on her first day of knowing us” Jimin says with a whining voice. “She’ll be fine, ok you ready”? “Yes i’ve been waiting”. “ Ok wanna know why dark should be spelt with a C instead of a K”? “Why”? “ Because you can’t C in the dark” Jin starts bursting out in laughter. “Here we go again with his ‘funny’ jokes” says the only person I haven't talked to yet. I start laughing with Jin. “Hey Jin”. “What” he says wiping his tears of laughter off his face. “Your jokes are pretty leJINdary”. Jin stands there with a straight face “that was amazing”! He starts laughing while patting my shoulder. I look around and all the other boys are staring at me with a disgusted face. “Here we go another Jin” says Yoongi. “I think she’s kind of cute being like Jin” Jimin whispers to RM while a slight smirk spreads across his face. RM nods in agreement and looks at me with a smile. After Jin finished laughing, I moved onto the last person.

“Hey i’m Y/N”. “ Hello I’m Jungkook”. He smiles widely and puts his hand out in front of me. I grab it and shake “you’re smiles kinda cute” I compliment him. He starts to get light pink across his face, he pulls away and looks at the ground “thank you”. “Hey why didn’t you compliment anything of mine” I hear Jimin yell whiningly. “I told you I would think about going on a date with you”. He looked dumbfounded and looked at RM “is that a compliment”? RM shrugged “I guess it is”.

“Hey boys did you tell Y/N where she’s sleeping” Tae’s mom asked. “Well we only just said hi mom i’ll show her now”. Tae gestured for me to follow him, I pick up my bag as I start to follow him. The rest of the boys follow after me. We go up the stairs one level and there was a living room right after you walk up the stairs, but there was a glass barrier blocking it from easy access.
Tae opens the glass door and held it open for me. I say thank you as I walk in. He closes the door causing Jimin to run into the glass. “Ow you little-” Jin covers his mouth “don’t swear we don’t need Y/N thinking we fight all the time”. I giggle a little covering my mouth as Tae continues down the hallway. I look around the hallway there was a kitchen and only seven other doors.
 “ Hey Tae why is there only seven doors”? He tilts his head like I asked the most random question. “One room for each of us guys”. “ So where do I sleep then”? Tae smiles “you get to choose one of us your going to sleep with”. Jimin comes in running and trips. “Ugh why do I keep getting hurt”. Yoongi helps him up “ because your a loser” he lets out a quiet laugh.
 “So who are you going to choose”? RM questions me as my mouth is wide open. “You better close your mouth before flies get in your mouth” Yoongi smirks as he puts his hand under my jaw and closes it. Jimin stands up coming up to me smacking Yoongi’s hand away from me. “You should stay in my room Y/N” Jimin screams and hugs me. “You know Jimin you only get one either going on a date or me staying in your room, which one”? He looks up “let me think for a minute” he lets go of me and sits on the couch in the living room. 

“It’s ok Y/N you have two hours two make up your mind, we’ll go to the kitchen while you think” Jin assures me as he grabs Jimin and tell them to follow him to the kitchen. After they all go to the kitchen I plop on the couch putting my legs up and laying my head on my knees. I thought to myself, who should I choose.
 “Y/N if you choose me how long will you be staying in my room if I choose for you to be in my room”? You quickly stand up and speed walk to the kitchen.
 “Tae can I switch between your guys’s rooms so this doesn’t have to be such a hard decision”? “Uh, I guess that's ok but you’ll have to move your stuff everytime you switch rooms”. “That’s a lie we have a spare closet in the living room” RM says correcting Tae. “You can keep your stuff in there it has a key so no one can go in there and do anything” Jin says handing me the key from the drawer.
 “So Y/N who will you pick for your first roommate” Jungkook looks at me with puppy eyes, probably hoping it will be him. I walk into the living room and call everyone to come sit. I will choose by who can guess the number i’m thinking of 1 - 100. I was thinking of the number 52. Jimin yells out “100” I shake my head as he drops his head down. Jungkook says “7” while he smiles “No that’s not it”. Yoongi stands up and stands next to me. He covers my ear with his hands and whispers “is it 52”? He separated from my ear and looks at me waiting for my answer. I nod my head with my mouth slightly open. “What did I say about keeping your mouth shut”. He lifts his arm but before he can touch my jaw I close my mouth. He looked disappointed and dropped his arm. Hoseok said with a curious voice “ wait he got it right”?
 I picked up my bag “where’s your room Yoongi”? “The second to last one on the right”. He smiled and stared at me till I left his vision.


How are you guys liking this so far. Is this a long enough part? I hope you guys like this so far. If you have some ideas comment!


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