5: Kylie

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The friends turned around upon hearing that voice to see a dark haired human woman coming through the masses of hedgehogs, who moved to the side, when she was close enough, to let her pass.

Kylie hadn't changed much, from what Shadow could see. Her black hair had grown longer, after Rouge had cut it off two years ago, and she kept it bound together in a ponytail. Her brown eyes were still looking attentive and empathetic, just like he remembered them. She wore along, light blue lab coat, that was disturbingly splattered with rather fresh blood all over the front. Her face and hands were clean, though.

Reaching the inner circle, Kylie looked around. "Okay, could you all give us some space to breathe?," she asked loudly and surprisingly enough, the hedgehogs obeyed, even the silver one backed off, just Sonic stayed, where he was.

"Sonic, it's okay, I'll handle it.," Kylie told him gently and again, Shadow got surprised by how easily this calmed the blue hedgehog down and returned him to his friends' side, although he was still watching the scene unfold further, still tense.

Satisfied with that, Kylie turned around to the black hedgehog, who reluctantly relaxed upon having more space now.

"Did you slaughter someone?," he asked, pointing to the blood – and flinched, when the hedgehogs were growling darkly, which Kylie effortlessly quieted with a glare.

"Nah, this just happens, when a stubborn seme has inner bleeding and tries to convince me verbally, that he is 'fine'.," she explained then, crossing her arms in front of her chest, which was probably meaning, that the blood was dried enough to not dirty her further. "And I see you finally found out, why people say, that a colony of ukes is more dangerous, than a pack of hungry wolves.," she added with a smirk.

Shadow's eyes widened, while he looked at the hedgehogs around him. This were all ukes!? He had actually started to feel remotely threatened...

"M-maybe...," the dark male replied, trying to remain cool. Kylie didn't mention his stutter. "Care to explain, why they all want to tear you to shreds?," she asked instead.

The male crossed his arms as well. "How am I supposed to know? I was just talking with my boyfriend, when this idiot over there attacked me!" He pointed to the silver male, who let his energy flare threateningly.

Kylie scowled. "Is this all? You know, that they don't attack for nothing, do you?," she questioned. The male just shrugged and looked away.

Kylie sighed and turned around to the silver male. "Could you please enlighten me, Finn? Without foul language, please.," she added quickly. Apparently, this Finn liked to curse quite a lot.

The male rolled his eyes. "Fine. This...guy," he actually needed to think for a moment to come up with a neutral word," has just gotten dumped by his boyfriend. And his only reaction was to hit him right in the face!," he hissed, which caused collective gasps and growls among the by-standing ukes, their expressions ranging from horror to rage.

Shadow raised a brow. If the majority of the ukes hadn't known that – why were they here in the first place?

The dark male scoffed. "He's my boyfriend, what I do with him, is my business.," he snarled.

Shadow quickly turned around to Sonic, who had his fists balled tightly, but didn't make any attempt to give the guy a piece of his mind – yet.

Kylie stared down on him. "I see.," she said slowly. "And can you tell me when?" The black furred male – and everyone else around her – blinked at the woman.

"When?," the male repeated confused. "When did Espy become your property?," Kylie asked calmly.

The male's eyes widened. "You said 'what I do with him'. That's not how someone talks about his boyfriend, so I assume, that you are seeing him as an object, that you own and that you can treat, like you want."

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