✧ Do you like guys, Eddie? (Human!Venom, Highschool AU) ✧

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Uhh probs set in japan, since i love japanese convenience stores and also japanese school uniforms,, LET GET THIS MELON BREAD

⊱ ────── {⋅. ◦ ✧ ◦ .⋅} ────── ⊰

"Do you have any spare change?" Asked the voice in front of Eddie.

Thick, creamy and smooth... were not the words to describe it. Rather, it was a low strumming, like that of a bass guitar. Intimidating and deep.

Eddie immediately recognised it. Venom, a sophomore with a conflicting reputation. Delinquent, but also an A+ student. And of course, Eddie's long-term crush.

Standing in the middle of the convenience store check out, purchasing his after-school snacks, Eddie had never been so close to Venom before. He was able to notice the much smaller things, which he'd always wondered about: The smell of Venom's cologne, his acne-cream-commercial clear skin and the piercing feeling of making direct eye-contact.

He'd often daydreamed in class and at home of the scruffy, black-hair and those white, shark-teeth. Of them pushing him onto his bed, or against a wall, or leaning him against a bathroom seat and bending him over. Of rough kisses and bites. Of those stupid smirks that Venom always gave people. Of being dominated.

Eddie caught himself and felt his face flush red. It was one thing to think of those at home, it was another to think of that when you were a ruler's length away from that person.

Venom impatiently snapped his fingers a few times in front of Eddie's face when he didn't respond.

"Oh... Uh, yeah, I do!" Eddie quickly slid his bag of snacks to his elbow and ruffled through his wallet and handed Venom the extra money he needed. Venom gave him a smile and finished paying the cashier. Eddie would've been fine with paying hundreds of dollars just for that interaction, but what should he say now? Was it over already? How could he keep the conversation going?

Eddie paid for his own snacks as quickly as he could, hoping to catch Venom on the way out. What would he even say? It was too awkward. Eddie was so flustered in his thoughts that he didn't realise that Venom was waiting for him.

Venom himself was taking some interest in the younger student. The kid was such a mess, but in a cute way. It was sweet seeing him so flustered and made Venom feel a little protective (and a little possessive).

When Eddie turned around, he almost ran into the much taller student.

"You're Eddie, right?" Venom tried to confirm.

Holy shit! He knows my name?!

Eddie debated whether it was okay to reveal that he also knew Venom's name... Venom was well known around the school, but Eddie also didn't want to be thought of as a stalker.

Venom continued speaking, "Do you have a speech impediment or something?"

"Yeah. I mean, no. Yeah, I'm Eddie. You're Venom, right?" Eddie looked up as he spoke, trying to have the courage to look his crush in the eye.

"Yeah. You're the freshmen that wrote that article in the school newspaper about how Mr. Becken was sleeping with a bunch of students, didn't you?"

Eddie nodded. Venom read his article?! Of course, in perspective, every student had read that article.

They both began to walk out of the store, "...That was a great article. Shame it got you kicked from the journalist club."

"The school wanted to keep it behind closed doors. Apparently I should've told a teacher instead of broadcasting it for everyone to know," Eddie grumbled, scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Well fuck them. Honestly, we need people like you to expose those sick bastards."

Eddie suddenly found it a little harder to breathe as his chest grew heavy and his ears prickled with warmth, it felt so good to be praised by Venom.

They both sat down on a brick fence outside the store and began to eat their after-school snacks. Venom pulled out a cigarette. They continued to chat for a while, mainly complaining about teachers and assignments. Eddie couldn't shake the feeling, was he only being nice because Eddie gave him some money?

Eddie kept finding himself staring at the pretty face, looking away quickly when the grey eyes looked back. Venom's face turned into a smug grin when he saw Eddie squirm with embarrassment.

"Do you like guys, Eddie?" Venom asked without batting an eye, turning away to look up at an oddly shaped cloud in the sky, knowing perfectly well what he was doing.

"Wha- Uh... I mean..." Eddie's face grew warm and he tried to hide how red it was becoming.

"I do. You're my type, actually." Venom took a drag of his cigarette, and turned to Eddie, smirking evilly at the discomfort he was causing.

Was it true? Or was he saying it to just get a reaction? Both? It was too good to be true.

Eddie didn't say anything, just shifted around on the bricks, trying to avoid eye contact.

Venom checked his watch.

"Tch. I have to go." He stood up and brushed off the crumbs and ash from his school uniform and put out the cigarette by pushing it against the bricks. When Venom looked at Eddie, he noticed the freshman's downcast face. It was an unconscious reaction, and Eddie didn't have time to hide it once he noticed Venom looking.

"Hmph. Here's my number. But don't talk to me at school. 'Can't have my reputation ruined by a pussy freshman."

It was a backhanded compliment, Eddie was clearly liked enough to be given a phone number, but was also being insulted at the same time.

Where was this going? Friendship? Or... a relationship. Eddie didn't want to get lead on only to be rejected. He knew it'd hurt too much... Especially after his break-up with Anne.

Venom seemed to pick up on this immediately, "Next time will be a proper date. If you're not interested in dating, just don't message me at all." With that Venom left.

Eddie sat still for a moment, watching the figure walk down the street and disappear. He was shaking all over, unable to control the excitement inside of him. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, holding it with both hands, not trusting his trembling fingers to have a tight enough grip. He put the phone number into his contacts. It felt like a dream. He replayed the conversation over in his head, just so it would be etched in his memory and he'd never forget it. Eddie couldn't wait for that 'proper date'.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ◦ ✧ ◦ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Please let me know what you think of this and if you would like/not like more! <3

I want to know what you guys think of human!Venom !!

If you do like it, what else would you like to see from it? 🤔

This is the first out of a heap of prompts I'm going to be doing! I'm going to try to do daily uploads with maybe a few gap days for the next two weeks. :>

Here are the prompts so far:

Meeting the Avengers [ ]

Smut [ ]

Kidnapped and Separated [ ]

Halloween [ ]

Their Child [ ]

Human!Venom, Highschool AU [ x ]

Human!Venom, ABO dynamics? [ ]

Crossover/Universe Swap [ ]

Angst [ ]

(If you have any more requests please comment ^^) 

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