Please Please Me

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Caution: xxxx

A slightly naughty sandwich.....

Minutes passed by as they chuckled and chat into the cloying darkness. Lily felt for the first time in a long time- happy, comfortable, safe. John lit a cigarette and passed it along, Lily coughing and sputtering taking a drag of the cancer stick but trying to fit in to their antics nonetheless.

Like bread and butter, the Thames and London, afternoon and tea, the River Mersey and Liverpool- John and Paul were magically joined, in solidarity and comfortable knowing. Intuitive and sparking off the other like kindling and flame.

Lily lay in the middle listening, learning, breathing in their energy, their warmth in the cool room, their ready smiles floating over her, their hair brushing alongside hers, their hands both holding hers. She was falling for them, into them, wishing them success and love and health like you would for newlyweds. Lily wished all of it for the four boys that broke in, and stole her heart. John shifted slightly, ever so slightly and leaned over her...

"Thought you'd gone to sleep Lils" he whispered over her with a smile. His hair hung limp and covered his eyes and she just needed to see him, fully; the wonderful open and emotive face that was John. Her fingers fell through his hair, parting it, dancing along his cheek "Oh Lils" he breathed with heady feeling.

"Time to go" Paul shot up, reaching, feeling about the floor beside the mattress for his shirt; anything really to upset the cosy scene he seemed to be dropped into by John, why had he done this. Lil was a mate, a beauty yes but she needed their support and safety, not.. not....

Her fingers curled round his wrist and she tugged him, hard.

"Stay right there" Lily struggled up from under John, pushing Paul down onto the bed, her space was still there in the middle, a slip of linen in a sea of Beatles. Lily knelt between them, looking down on them as they lay watching her, Paul so uncomfortable and unsure and John, she thought; intrigued, wondering which way she would jump.

They were all so young and as her eyes adjusted to the light that fell over the boys she laid hands flat on their chests. One on John, one on Paul. The beating of their hearts tapping against her palms, drumming and thumping through her.

Lily wanted to explain, show them what she had always seen. Her whispers slow and languishing with tinged sadness. Her fingers danced to an unknown song over their chests.

"I've always been pushed you see. Shoved, dropped into situations that had no corner or refuge for me. I was a pawn in those men's fantasies. It wasn't love; I wasn't loved. I didn't want any of what they did to me." She choked out the last few words.

She had never wanted to lie with someone until now....

Lily took her hands away from their chests and began unbuttoning her shirt slowly, meticulously, eyes flittering up and over them as they watched her, mute, anticipating and worrying, wondering and intrigued to her fingers work.

Paul woke from the slumber of his brain to the rational of his worries "Lil...." Her finger covered his lips and still he spoke quietly. "Lil no"

"You don't like me no or no we shouldn't cause she's dirty no?"

"I...... you're not dirty Lily" John countered gently, running fingers through her hair, smoothing it as she questioned Paul with her eyes, Paul's eyes darting between her with worry... and John with big angry questions. John continued with whispers "You're wonderful Lily Lolly" Lily grinned. Lolly was it now, she could live with that sweet endearment.

"Do you like me Paul?" Lily leaned forward, her toes pressing down into the bed, pushing for an answer and he nodded vehemently yet still mute "Really truly like me?" She was being mean and greedy wanting lots of sweetness plied. She heard them speak so nicely and lovely to her and it was like sunshine on a cloudy day.... Her heart was Britain and her clouds had been many.

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