Katara Oyoja is on a mission to raise her voice for black women. Even though her mom is white, she still feels the heavy plight of the unwanted black woman. However, she gets majorly distracted halfway through her expedition and her life takes a tur...
Disclaimer: This piece of literature contains sensitive racial issues.
"Hey, Katara... do you know anyone that does corn rows?" Lizzy asked after tapping Katara's shoulder from the desk behind.
"Um, yeah I do... why?" Katara furrowed her eyebrows.
"Well, I'm dating Syd Cavanaugh. You know the bloke from St. Paul's-"
Of course Katara knew Syd. Every girl her age across all the schools in her city fantasized about Syd. He was a star athlete. If you went uptown to Zero Mall to the Adidas shoe shop, Syd's portrait in full Adidas kit hung in the sports section. He was that level. He was a light caramel with a lean frame. Not too bulky and not too slender at the same time. His hair cut was forever faded to perfection and every time you would see him in that red St. Paul's blazer and a pair of chinos, your mouth would go dry just from the heat he radiated.
"Yeah the bloke a year above us," Katara said unenthusiastically.
Katara would have rather not heard of this news today. It did not make sense to her why Syd would go for Lizzy. She was pale and probably only fit a B-cup. She recalled all the times she spent liking Syd's posts, making sure she looked good every time she went to the beach just in case -which was actually worthwhile. Katara had been standing by the ice-cream truck, when she was hit by a waft of expensive cologne.
Syd Cavanaugh was standing beside her and ordered a banana split, with extra banana and less chocolate. He looked down at Katara in his pink floral Hawaii shirt, a pair of beach shorts that exposed his muscular long legs and some Adidas slides. Hashtag- Adidas brand ambassador. He smiled a toothless smile before grabbing his banana split and splitting.
Lizzy tossed a blonde lock of hair out her face , "He grew out his hair this summer. Gosh he looks gorgeous!" she squealed and Katara could feel the anger boiling in her, "Anyway he got corn rows for the rugby season and I think it would be so lush if I got some too, ya know, couple goals and that?"
"Lizzy, I don't see that doing any favours for your relationship. Just because you're dating a black guy doesn't mean you have to turn into a wannabe black girl. Have you not been following the black appropriation rant?"
Her face dropped and before she could apologize Rodrick cut in. Rodrick was Chester High's uprising star boy. He excelled in every aspect of life; sport, academics and the ladies and like Syd Cavanaugh he was a stunner too.
"Katara. Why you blocking people's blessings?" Rodrick screwed his face.
"Rodrick, no one was talking to you!" Katara snapped, turning her to his direction, "I'm merely giving her advice."
"Yeah," he pointed to fingers to his head like a gangster, "advice that's based on your insecurities."
Mr. Woodworth eyes peered above the silver rims of his glasses.
"Rodrick, you're an A-Class prick, is all! Why do you have to make it personal?" Katara bellowed.
"Nah, see, that's the thing with you black girls, as well. You can't take the damn truth. Like tell a white girl, yeah, that her breath smells? She will pattern up. Tell a black girl... That's the end of you fam."
"Rodrick, you're black too mate. Where you getting all this sh*te from?"
"No one's denying that Katara but, look at it like this yeah, even your own race don't want to date you 'cause you're a problem! Stop being angry and bitter."
Katara could no longer handle the condescending disrespect. She marched to his desk so fast and spat in his face.
The whole class gasped and Mr. Woodworth could not believe what had just transpired but continued to watch as though it was a Telenovella.
Rodrick tried to collect himself but he had also reached boiling point. He wiped the spit from his face, "Pathetic. You are a pathetic soul. Goodluck finding a man because at this rate your chances are on negative."
Katara did not have a quick witty come back for Rodrick. She grabbed her bag and marched out the class and straight to the bathroom.
She stared hard at herself in the bathroom mirror, inwardly commanding herself not to cry.
The bathroom door opened and awkward faced Lizzy walked in.
"Katara, I didn't mean for you and Rodrick to fight over me."
"We weren't fighting over you Lizzy. Not everything is about you," Katara angrily swatted a stray tear.
"Yeah, you're right. Well – I just mean. I'm sorry if I offended you-"
"Yeah you should be sorry," Katara walked past her making sure she aggressively bumped into Lizzy's shoulder.
Katara would never admit it but she was not upset that Lizzy was intending on culture appropriating. Katara could care less about that. She was hurt that the boy of her dreams had chosen a girl that's not the same race as her. She hated the feeling of feeling inferior to Lizzy because she was white and that's what Syd had gone for.
However, she would not look defeated. She walked with her back up straight to the tree spot where her and her friend's: Adiya, Zita and Toya, hung out.
"What's this I hear about you punching Rodrick?" Zita put her hand on her hip.
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