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Amanda Joyman POV

The Saint Paula Insitute, a place for kids who walked the wrong path. Four teens arrived a year ago. I work here for 28 years, and never ever I've seen children like this. Their behavior was worse than any murderous animal. They rule this building. Well, beneath me and my staff, of course. Every single big bully cowers and shivers in fear when their squad enters the cafeteria. Nobody moves. As I said: these kids aren't normal. But out of their intolerant behavior and terrible deeds, I see kids who can make a difference, who can change the world. And that's why I gave 'em a chance. A chance to prove that being difficult isn't a synonym to being bad to the bone. Or in my words: rotten to the core.

3rd person POV

Amanda Joyman entered the meeting room of the Association of Education with her leather folder and a stack of papers. She felt the burning eyes of the other members but avoided their gazes. She sat down at the head of the table. "Sorry for being late, I was buried in some important documents, " she apologized politely. She saw a few people who looked at their watch and raised their eyebrows. They coughed when their eyes met Amanda's strict, threatening glare.

"Headmistress Joyman, " a roaring voice sounded. Amanda immediately stood up from her seat. Of course, she recognized that voice. No one would forget that threatening, loud voice.

She looked across the room where the man who made that stressing voice stood. "Mister Klaus." The man turned around. Fritz Klaus was the head of the Association. The other members were the management of various schools. Klaus was an elder man of 59 with grey hair, a German accent and silver glasses before his small pinched eyes.

"Was is this, Joyman? Forty minutes too late?" he asked bluntly.

Amanda stroke her purple suit and put her vest in the right place. She did the same with her short, black afro and coughed a little nervous, and that was an understatement for the confident 49-year-old woman. "I'm terribly sorry, Mister Klaus, but I had to fill in a lot of documents which I need for this meeting, " she answered. She took her leather folder.

Klaus saw it. "I suppose those documents are in that folder?" He raised an eyebrow.

Amanda opened it. "Yes, they are. I have an important point to discuss." She walked to the whiteboard on the wall and hung up some pictures and papers. She wrote down some things beneath the pictures and took a long pointer. "I want to talk about these four kids, " she explained when she pointed at the pictures. Four pictures. A teen with an orange jail suit on each one.

Headmaster McCarthy, one of the members, frowned. "Aren't that those four crazy children?" he asked suspiciously.

Amanda sighed frustrated. "Yes, they are 'those four crazy children', " she answered nonchalantly. She aimed her pointer at the first picture. It showed a blonde girl with a black beanie in an orange jail suit. "Angela Thriller. She hasn't stolen her surname since she burned down a whole apartment building on her own. That's the reason why they call her 'Dragon'." The next picture showed a boy with dark eyes and dark hair as long as the girl's. "Next, Marvin Dorian, The Snake. He carries that name because he sneaked into the bank and robbed it on his own. He was caught when he reunited with the others. With other words: nobody noticed his crime until other people caught him with his guilty friends and the loot." She moved the pointer to the next picture of a girl with almost black hair and soft brown eyes. "Esther Brick, better known as Blades. Her mother committed suicide by stabbing herself to death before her eyes. Esther saw a woman who wore the same dress as her mother, so she killed her with a dagger. She's a very talented girl, but she is a total lunatic." Amanda pointed at the last teen, a boy with freckles all over his face and dark brown hair. "Joey Western, Werewolf, is traumatized as well. His mother drunk herself to death, but before that, she killed their dog, Donald. Joey raided 5 stores on his own. After every crime, he howls and leaves a note with the paw print of a wolf. That explains his nickname."

Klaus crossed his arms. "Und was is your point?" he asked impatiently.

Amanda put away her pointer and put her hands on her hips. "I want these kids to have a second chance. A chance for a normal life."

Everyone's jaw hit the ground. A pair of glasses fell out of the hand of a headmistress. Another one dropped her pen. One of the headmasters even dropped his cup of coffee and another one his false teeth. Klaus put his glasses back in place. "Joyman, are you insane?! These.... The- These... Monsters are guilty of unspeakable crimes!" he exclaimed.

"Monsters?! Mister Klaus, these are kids, not monsters! They had a rough and difficult youth!" Amanda snapped back. She pointed at the pictures meanwhile her tirade.

Klaus shook his head. "That does not mean that they have the right to do this!"

Amanda nodded. "I know, but I am here to help children, not to lock them up!" She sighed calming down and continued on a softer tone. "We could finally give 'em a home and a normal teenage life, here, in New York. They sat here for a year from now. I think that they've learned their lesson."

Klaus raised a thick eyebrow. "Bist du dir sicher that these kids can be trusted?"

Amanda took a few papers. "I fixed a home for them four, a penthouse where four other teens live with their cleaning lady. Of course, they'll be watched, " she answered confidently.

Klaus thought deeply for the longest minute in Amanda's life. She worked so hard on this idea. Finally, after what seemed like 4 centuries, he sighed deeply. "You are too good for this world, Joyman."

Amanda smirked. I know. "Thank you, sir. I try to do my best."

Klaus smirked too. "Do something about it."

Amanda knew that smirk. Ugh, man, seriously?! "Yes, sir."

Wicked Ones - A story based on "Disney's Descendants"Where stories live. Discover now