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The steam rolled over his form as he stepped out of the shower area, feeling lighter and odd out of his spartan armor.


Maybe that's why -when the Sangheili rounded the corner and crashed solidly into him- Master Chief froze.

The Arbiter's muscled arms were quick, large hands catching John's waist to prevent the smaller from falling, an apology starting and dying on the alien's mandibles.

The Chief didn't know why, but the heat, the proximity of that darkly solid warrior, did things to him. Heated stirrings blossoming within. Strange. Unfamiliar.

Certainly unexpected.

This was not like the battlefield. All adrenaline, mortality, heavy choices and decisions that needed to be made in a fraction of a second. There was no gunfire, no explosions. No slipping of time.

Just the Chief. And the Arbiter.

In a lapse between battles. In a brief, welcome, respite; one that the Chief thought there would be no harm in enjoying the small comforts in life. Like an old fashioned shower.

He did not think there would be any danger, in the heart of their temporary base on a planet he could not even remember the name for at the moment.

It was only when the Elite made a rumbling click, that John realized he had been staring. Hard. At the dark spots flecked across Thel's chiseled and flexed pecs.

When the Chief dragged his gaze upwards, he realized he himself was on the recieving end of intense and heated scrutiny. It made a slight shiver travel through him. The way those amber eyes pierced him, laced with a hunger much different than that on the battlefield.

The Sangheili's torso -his whole form- leaned over the Spartan's, John hardly responsible for keeping himself on his own two feet, as he had Thel's braced arms to thank for. John shifted his body, attempting to get his balance and footing back. But the darker warrior mistook the movement, strong hands grasping that slim waist and delectable hips in a stronger grip, pressing the human's unclothed form tighter to his taller self.

John stilled completely and flushed a brilliant shade of red as he realized-

He forgot.

He was completely naked.

And now the only thing keeping his modesty was how firmly pressed he was against the solid and muscled front of the larger warrior, encaged in the Sangheili's embrace.

A strangled sound made it past Master Chief's failed vocals, as certain unavoidable pressure and and pleasure spiked from the shift of their combined movement, his unsheathed cock rubbing -trapped- against the Elite's heated core.

Thel made a pleased sound, inspecting his prize as he trilled lowly, "Strange... I have yet to meet one of your kind who has yet to balk in my presence. I find your strength, your very form, appealing."

The Chief opened his mouth to retort, only to find his voice unable to make it past his throat, muscles stiff and disbelieving.

Thel... didn't know who he was.

The darker warrior had yet to see the Spartan out of his armor.

John may still salvage this.

Resolutely shutting his mouth, the Spartan narrowed his gaze pointedly at the arms encircling his waist, before snapping his hardened orbs back up at the Sangheili's amused features.

After the longest pause, the taller warrior finally released the naked Chief with chortled huff, voice pitched deeply as he took a step back to observe John in all his nude glory, "As you wish, human. As tempting... as the prospect is of me pinning you against the nearest wall and rutting you senseless, I understand the truce is still fresh. I will not force you."

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