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"Zach's fairy tale was never meant to end this way."

jack smiled as he sat watching his boyfriend play soccer.
he truly was the best player out there.

after 20 minutes of playing, they all retreated to the locker room. jack waited till it was empty before stepping inside.
"zach? love?" i called out before bumping into someone.

"love?" a blonde boy looked down at me.
"so this is zachs boy toy? gabbie told me all about you." he chuckled.

his presence made me tremble.

"gabbie seems nice. i've met her a few times."

"k heard you and zach like to fuck a lot. tell me, is it true you give great head?" he backed me against the lockers.

his hand went around my neck as he got closer his other hand on my torso sliding down.

"does this make you feel good?"

"st-stop it, please." i whimpered, feeling helpless.

"i want to know how you taste. i bet you're dying to know how i taste too." he chuckled as his phone rang.
"i'll have to find out later." he winked, leaving me alone.

i felt violated as my hands felt where he left a feeling on my neck.

my hands trembled as they felt my own neck. i was immensely uncomfortable.

"what the fuck are you doing in here?" zach had came from the showers with only a towel around his waist.

"i-i came to see if you were finished." i started thinking of the events that just passed.

"well, get the hell out. i told you to fucking stay out of here and wait for me. it's like you don't care about what i say."

"i do care, i just.."

"just fucking what? you don't care cause you're a terrible boyfriend who doesn't know how to follow instructions." zach spat.


jack didn't care that he was underage. he wanted to drink

so when corbyn offered to take him to a party, he happily accepted. he had never refused to spend time with zach until that night.

now, jack stood in the mist of a crowd, disregarding the text messages that were sent from his soulmate.
jack had powered off his phone. he would enjoy his night without him just this once.

"hey!" a brunette boy looked down at him. the alcohol blurred jacks vision until he saw it was jonah.

"hey, jonah!" i smiled. my balance began to waver a slight shake in my legs.

"wanna go hang out back with some of my friends?" je leaned down and whispered in my ear.
"or maybe just me?" his tone seductive.

my mind told me no but my drunk body told me yes.

i took his hand as he led me outside.

"wait here." jonah winked before leaving me for an hour.

i sipped on my 4th beer that night. the night becoming a distant memory as it still went on. i stood up dragging my hand across the wall as i waited longer.

"hey, there you are." i looked up to see the boy from the locker room.

"just when i'm in the right mood." he smirked before grabbing my hands and pinning me to the wall.

"stop!" i yelled at him drunkenly.

he kissed my neck regardless. "you want this. i'm timothy by the way, love. or you could call me daddy." he mumbled before leaving more kisses.

"please stop." i whined as i tried to remove him.

a few boys walked outside seeing us. suddenly my stomach was kneed

"get off me, faggot!" timothy yelled.

"oh, is he bothering you, tim?" we can take care of him."

that's all i could remember before i woke up the next morning.


my eyes hurt and my body ached as i woke up that morning. a huge migraine hit my head.
i struggled to sit up before i threw up last nights alcohol.

a striking pain hit my abdomen as i yelled out, falling over.

i was humiliated as for i couldn't lift my head again everything hurt too much.

i laid in silence, trying to get up but everything hurt too bad. i threw up again, being forced to lay in my own vomit as for i couldn't get up.

i was beyond humiliated.

i could see my reflection from the glass door as i lay outside on the floor.
i was bloody, dirty and a sobbing mess.

"zach!" i screamed as my voice cracked.

"zach, please, i'm sorry!" i screamed again but it was worthless. everyone had left the house after the party and the neighbors music was too loud.

"please help me.." i muttered before losing consciousness again.

when i woke up again, i was in an ambulance. corbyn sat besides me his head in his hands.

i blacked out again.

i opened my eyes to see myself in a room with the lights off. zach lay beside me.

his eyes closed.

it was almost as if he wasn't breathing.


is he breathing?

is he breathing?

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