Ben's Deal (1)

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You see all of these pictures moving fast like a movie film. The voices going so fast you can't keep up of what is being said. But the very thing or person you remember in all these flashes is a guy with black hair, a white hoodie, and pale skin. You soon start to realize that these images and noises playing in your mind are memories. They start to slow down and it plays all the times you were with this guy. Your heart begins to beat really fast, you start to feel warm, and your body starts to crave his touch. You know at this point that it's the feeling of love. Which was odd but felt so right, you wanted him. Then you feel the overwhelming emotions of having to fight this creature that you see before you. Mindfreak Mindfreak Mindfreak is that name you are now hearing, is that who this creature was? It started to really scare you when you saw that you lost a battle with this thing and you were about to lose the guy that you love. All these feelings of love, despair, worry, and anger finally start to overflow to the point you woke up and called out to Jeff. You breathe heavily as a cold sweat drips down your spine.

"You're finally awake, and seems you remember everything now," a familiar voice says. You remember it was Ben.

"Ben?! Is that you?!" You feel a sense of relief.

"Yes, it's me. I'm glad your back (y/n)" you couldn't seem to find Ben. You could hear him but couldn't see him.

"Where are you? I can't see you" you called out.

"I'm in the shadows. Don't you remember the gangs rule?" Then suddenly you remembered. A human can't discover a creepypasta does exist, but in order to do so, they have to see them. Through his voice, it could be anyone talking. Ben found a loophole.

"Right...sorry I'm just so relieved to hear from you. How about Jeff? Where is he?" You asked. Ben was silent for a moment, you knew right away that Jeff was still at the manor.

"He is still serving time. Slendy is not taking any pity on him. He attacked Slenderman while your memory was being erased so he is serving extra time for that" Ben explained. You kinda had a feeling Jeff would do that but at the same time, you were thinking, why Jeff?

"But I thought you said once I get my memory back Jeff would be returned to me. Isn't that part of the deal?" You asked.

"I know I'm sorry but I promise to uphold my end of the deal. It's just right now your in grave danger" you then remembered Ben saying something about something that's coming in the future. One of the main reasons why he gave you your memory back.

"Right I'm guessing that's why I'm back earlier then you planned?"

"Yes I know Jeff was supposed to be here to help you but if I get him out now, it would blow the cover" Ben explained. You were a little upset but understood why.

"Alright. So what's going on?"

Ben begins to explain that an old gang member named Shape Shifter is out to get rid of you. This member used to have a thing for Mindfreak which is why Slendy banished him, for getting too close to her. He heard that she was defeated and would never return. So he decided to hunt for the human responsible, which is you. Ben discovered that he is living in the same area you are and is close to you. So that's why your memories are back early and he also adds in your mind-reading abilities to help find him.

"He can only be caught with a being with mind abilities so that's why your powers are back" Ben finished explaining. You were quiet for a moment then you finally had your words.

"Alright...I understand. I will do my best to find him"

"Also don't push yourself too hard. It will take time for your powers to come back. So..." Ben then started to cough.

Jeff the Killer x Reader: Stay Awake!Where stories live. Discover now