Chapter Sixteen

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Everything was happening in slow motion around me. The pain was getting worse and seemed to be happening more regularly.

"Sherlock, I can't do this."

"Yes, you can, we're going to get you up to that maternity ward get you checked over and see what's happening."

I nodded and looked up into his eyes.

"I'm so sorry for what I've done, I was so stupid."

"Don't worry about that now, Molly, just keep focused on looking after yourself and our babies."

"Okay, I love you Sherlock, I really do."

"I love you too, Molly.

We got to the maternity ward and everything happened so fast. Midwives and doctors were surrounding me, I had wires and machines all around me. I was terrified. My midwife came over and examined me.

"She's about six centimetres dilated."

"What, no I can't be, I'm only six months. It's too early."

My midwife came over and reassured me.

"Don't worry, Molly, they may be early but they're both doing well, good strong heartbeats and they're in a great position."

Another contraction came.

"Sherlock, you get yourself over here right now."

He walked towards me quickly. I squeezed his hand through the pain.

"Oh my God this is ridiculous!"

"Come on Molly, you can do it, just think it'll all be worth it in the end."

"I can't, I can't do it, I'm in agony. Sherlock it hurts so much."

"I know, I know, babe, but I also know that you're more than capable of doing this, you're so strong, stronger than anyone I know."

"That's it daddy, you keep reassuring mummy." The midwife said as she examined me again. "You're nine centimetres dilated so we're nearly ready to push.

Sherlock squeezed my hand tighter and we both smiled at each other.

"I'm so sorry, for everything, I need you."

"Don't be sorry and don't worry I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."

"I don't mean just now, Sherlock, I mean I need you all the time."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying that I was stupid and I want to be with you and I want to marry you, I don't want to be without you."

"You won't, I promise, I'm not going anywhere, ever."

I squeezed Sherlock's hand even tighter as another almighty contraction gripped me.

"Holy shit," I panted, "that was the worst one yet. Oh my God I feel like I need to push."

The midwife came rushing over to me.

"Hold on, I'll see if you're ready to push," she checked me again and nodded up at me, "yeah, you're ready, I want you to push as hard as you can when you get your next contraction."

"Come on, Molly, I know you can do this."

I took a deep breath and pushed as hard as I could when my next contraction came.

"Well done, that was brilliant. Now I just need you to push whenever you feel the urge to okay, I need you to push as hard as you can and as long as you can, can you do that for me?"

I nodded up at the midwife, "yeah I can do it."


I pushed again once and cried out in pain through gritted teeth.

"Oh my God, Molly, I can see the head."

I pushed again, harder than I've ever pushed.

"Molly, you're doing really well, my love, one more big push and I should think baby will be out." The midwife told me.

I took a few more deep breaths and pushed down with all the strength I had. I laid on the bed, exhausted. The midwife handed the baby to me.

"Put her against your chest, they like to feel the warmth of their mother's skin when they've been born."

I held her in my arms and Sherlock stroked her face, "she's perfect."

"I know, she's so tiny though."

"Don't worry we'll look after her, she'll have to be taken to neonatal but you can go see her as soon as her brother or sister has been born and taken up too."

A doctor came over and I passed her over to him, they wheeled her off. All I wanted to do was cry but I knew that I had to keep all my strength for the next baby.

"Now, we shouldn't be too long waiting for baby number two, they're in the right position and don't appear to be distressed. Once again just push whenever you feel the need to."

I looked up at Sherlock who was smiling down at me. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. I'd never seen him look so emotional. I guess he was an actual human after all.

"I think I'm ready to push again."

The midwife came back over to me.

"Okay my love, I'm not going anywhere push as hard as you can."

I pushed down with all my might and squeezed Sherlock's forearm as I did.

"I'm so tired, I don't think I can do this."

Sherlock rested his forehead against mine, "yes you can, you've just given birth to a beautiful little baby girl and she really wants to have a brother or sister and you can't go letting her down can you."

"No, no I can't."

The midwife looked up at Sherlock and winked at him, "keep going" she mouthed up to him.

"And, we definitely need another baby, after all we did buy two cots, and double the amount of bottles."

"We did, and we've got a twin pushchair, we'd look a bit silly walking round with one baby in it wouldn't we."

I pushed again.

"That's it, Molly, keep going darling, I can see the head now."

"Sherlock, if this one's a boy, there is no way we're naming him after your brother."

"I know we're not, don't worry I wouldn't inflict that on any child."

We both laughed and I pushed once more.

"Well done, one more big push when you need to and baby will be out."

"Come on, Molly, you can do this, I know you can."

I smiled up at Sherlock weakly and tried to stay awake.

"Molly, stay with me, don't fall asleep."

I opened my eyes wide and got the urge to push.

"We're nearly there, not long now."

I pushed once more and cried out in pain, the midwife handed the baby to me and all the pain melted away. Sherlock looked under the blanket.

"Well they definitely won't be named after my brother, we've got two daughters."

I smiled up at him and pulled his face down to meet mine and kissed him, "I love you so much."

The doctor came over and took her off me and took her up to neonatal with her sister.

I collapsed into the bed and just cried.

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