Hi my name is Ashlynn Walters.
People call me Ash.
I'm a junior at Westfield High school.
I mostly hang out with guys.
My only friend that's a girl is one of my best friends her name is Ellen.
My other best friend is Carter, him and I have been friends since we were two years old.
I'm pretty popular but recently people have been making fun of me for never having a boyfriend.
I try to tell people that I just don't think of guys that way, but then they say that I like girls.
I don't like girls like that trust me bros before hoes, it doesn't help the fact that Ellen does but I don't care.
One of the reasons why I'm friends with her is because she was so free about herself that she didn't care about what people thought of her.
I mean I have kissed a guy before but it wasn't real meaning yes my first kiss was Carter when we were 5.
Carter is a good looking dude but ew he is like my brother!
I have noticed all of the girls that have had boyfriends have drama, especially for Bethany Miller who basically brings the drama headquarters with her everywhere she walks.
Her first boyfriend was in pre school.
Of course they broke up because she cheated on him.
One day at school, Carter Ellen and I were walking back from lunch laughing at Carter's lame jokes.
"Come on tell an actual funny one!" Ellen said laughing.
" Ok,ok so I have some good jokes about unemployed people but none of them work." Carter said trying as hard as he could not to laugh barley getting though the joke.
" You're an ass- tronaut!" I said changing it slowly as a teacher was walking past us ease dropping.
" Nice one." Ellen said sarcastically.
When we got to my locker we were talking when all the sudden we heard a new voice.
" Hi it's my first day and I have know idea where my locker is. Can you help?"
A blond haired boy asked with an Irish accent.
He was the prettiest person I have ever seen. He had blondish hair with a tent of brown.
His eyes were blue as the Caribbean Sea.
I found my self day dreaming. " so will you?" I heard " um sorry wha-what ?" I asked not hearing the whole conversation.
" Will you take him to his locker?" Carter asked.
" Oh ya sure. What's your locker number?" I asked the beautiful boy.
" One tirdy five ." He said in his Irish accent which was so cute. " one thirty five, ok ." I said giggling.
As we stared walking he started to talk to break the awkwardness.
" I'm Niall, Niall Horan." He said. " I'm Ashlynn Walters. "
" so what brings you to the halls of Westfield High?" I said goofy completely regretting saying it.
He started to laugh and I swear it was like the angels were singing.
His laugh is to die for. " I'm part of a band and we are going to try out for the X factor, so my family let me and the rest of the band move here and live together."
He said laughing a bit at first then talking normal.
" Oh so do you sing or play anything ?" I asked falling more in love with this boy.
" I sing and play guitar." He said.
We arrived at his locker the bell had already rang but I didn't care.
" So here we are." I said
" cool. Um are we going to get in trouble? The bell rang." He asked already done at his locker.
" no we can go to the office and get a note since your new and I was showing you to your locker and it wouldn't happen again so it's cool. " I said chilled
" oh I thought you could show me around the school, but if it's a one time thing-"
" oh yeah that's fine, but only if you want me to." I said interrupting him.

My First Love
ФанфикThis is the story of Ashlynn Walter, a girl that hangs out with guys all the time and has never had a boyfriend. She never saw boyfriends just boys that are friends. Her feeling change about boys when her and her two best friends (Ellen and Carter)...