Chapter three

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It was now the next day and I was about to meet Ellen and Carter for our usual walk to school. Then my mom and dad told me that today was the day that we pick intern days, so they would have to drive me to school. I was very excited for the intern job just not the whole parents driving me to HIGH SCHOOL. " So what two days do you want to be the days you work ?" My dad asked as we were driving to school. " I feel like I should go Tuesday and Thursday. Are those two days good with you guys?" I asked " yeah that's fine with me!" My dad said excitedly. We were about two minutes away from school and I was really nervous for some reason. Yes I'm excited for my new intern job but I'm also nervous about what's going to be happening while I'm gone from school. No I'm not talking about schoolwork obviously, I'm talking about Niall, who will show him around the school. I really don't want him to be lost, he's turned into someone I really care about. We then arrive at my school. I convinced my parents to wait until everyone was in school and then go in so no one would see me. If you think I'm over exaggerating just think about your parents taking you into high school...get the picture now...yeah...embarrassing. We waited about 10 minutes just to be safe, we walked into the school's office and I stopped at the doors. "What's wrong honey?" My mother said looking concerned. "well it's just that I'm sort of nervous..." I confessed. " There's nothing to be worried about Ashlynn. You're going to do great at this job,I know you will. " my dad said smiling. " I'm very thankful for this opportunity. I just don't want to screw it up." I said following my parents into the office. In the office there stood Niall asking one of the office workers about his schedule. I felt bad because since I was late I wasn't able to help him. "hey Niall! I'm sorry I'm late." I said in a more happy voice. " uh no problem, why are you in the office?" He said smiling when seeing me. His morning/tired voice was a voice I could wake up to every morning. It was so freaking hot. " oh well I forgot to tell you at the mall but I actually got an intern job at a magazine that I really like. We are figuring out which days I go today. " I said a bit sad. " oh congrats!.......wait but the days you're gone you're not gonna be able to help me out around school." He said as his smile faded, slowing breaking my heart. "Uh-" " Oh Bethany Miller can show you around the school she knows it very well!" The woman at the front desk told him interrupting me. " Oh...ok, but on the days that Ashlynn is here can she help me around?" Niall said using his puppy dog eyes, he such a stinker I would remember those puppy dog eyes anywhere after the mall " Sure that's fine!" The woman at the front desk said quickly trying to get back to work for she is already helped Niall with his schedule. So now I'm worried about my intern job and now freaking BETHANY MILLER. Seriously BETHANY MILLER really, she's gonna take him away from me in a heartbeat. It was time for us to go into the principals office sorting out the dates. I tried forgetting about Bethany and Niall, for this conference is the conference that sets up my whole life not just my life but my dream I've been wanting to live forever. It's my day I'm not gonna let Bethany ruin it once again.
~Later in the conference~
" So Tuesday and Thursday are going to be the days that you go to intern. I am very happy for you; this is a very big accomplishment!" My principal said smiling at me. " thank you but really I couldn't have been done without my parents!" I told him smiling at him then my parents causing my parents to aww. "And yes, Mrs. and Mr. Walters,you gave her the opportunity to do this, but you do realize Ashlynn?; the writings and fashion pictures that interview magazine looked at choosing interns were yours. Your amazing ability got you this job. I was going to wait to tell you this, but what the heck I can't wait. Ashlynn... Your accomplishment has made you student of the year. No other student has even tried to accomplish their dreams and goals, and Miss you're living your dream. Thank you for being such a good role model for the rest of the students... Congratulations!" He said with a huge smile on his face. " Oh my goodness thank you so so much. " I said with a fake smile. My parents thanked him and soon the conference was over. I'm sort of embarrassed I mean student of the year it's kind of awkward but it's also a good accomplishment I guess... I hope so. The conference went alot longer than I thought it was going to so by the time I was out of the office it was already lunch time. I could see Ellen and Carter walking to the lunch room so I ran up to them. " hey guys!" I yell waving my hand as I run up to them probably looking like an idiot. " Oh hey how did it go?" Carter asked. " It was terrible then good then kinda bad. " I said confusing them. " I'm going to guess the second part was the intern part." Ellen said. " yup" I said looking at the ground. " So what were the bad parts?" Carter asked after a weird moment of silence. " well when we first got there of course Mrs. Miller was doing her damn 'volunteer work' and helping Niall at the front desk. Then Niall and I started talking and she heard him ask me about what would happen when I'm not there and ms. Bethany tells her mom about every guy she likes so she knows about Niall. Mrs. Miller then told Niall .........BETHANY WILL SHOW HIM AROUND she all the sudden 'knows' the school well!" I basically yelled trying not to cry. By the time my Bethany rant was over and we gossiped about Bethany we were sitting at a table. " oh and the other bad thing is that I'm student of the year ..." I said mumbling the student of the year part. " Wow that's great!" Ellen said sarcastically trying not to worry me. " that's shit" Carter said not understanding what Ellen was doing. " Carter!" Ellen yelled while hitting his shoulder. " No no I know it's bad. " I lied. "Um so how's Niall!" Ellen said trying to change the subject but at the same time not talking about the whole Bethany thing. " Oh ya I forgot to tell you...he gave me his number so we could set up a date!" I said now very red and happy. "I knew you to would hit it off" Carter said giving me a high five. I told them more about me and Niall and eventual we stopped so we could stuff our faces with food. We live in New York and surprisingly the food actual doesn't suck at our school.
Later that day Niall came up to me and told me congrats on the student of the year thing. Oh Niall...sweet sweet Niall.... he thinks it's a good thing how cute. " Hey I was wondering if we could hang out tonight, like we could go see a movie or something. " he asked " ya a movie sounds great! Would 8:00 work? " I said trying to not look as excited as I was inside. " Ok! What type of movies do u like?" He asked as his smile lighted up like a candle.
" I love scary movies!" I Lied. I figured he would comfort me during the movie if I was scared. " Me to! How about Ouija?" He said super happy.
" sounds great! " I said now scared for the movie. " see Ya then" " oh and don't bring any money. I got u!" He smirked. " ok see Ya! " I said giggling.

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