Chapter two

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The bell rang and it was an amazing day with Niall. I was never nervous in front of guys , but in front of Niall I was. It's not that bad, I liked how it felt different.
I met up with Carter and Ellen outside. We always walk home from school together. We only live 10 minutes away from school and we have special short cuts we found as kids. " You have been so happy today Ashlynn. what's up ? " Ellen asked. " Can I not have a good day ?" I asked trying to be a smart ass. " You know what she means ." Carter said annoyed. " Ok! Ok. It's that Niall kid." I said excitedly
" I knew you liked him !" Ellen said happy. " That's awesome! How do you know you like him? You have never liked anyone . " Carter asked confused.
" I'm not sure I just feel different about him. Like I'm nervous around him, I'm never nervous around guys." I said. " Ashlynn's got a crush !" They both yelled. " shut up!" I said laughing. We turned onto our street and went our ways to our houses.
" Honey thank god your home!" My mom said eagerly. " what's wrong ?!" I said worried " nothing ! Mark! Get in here she's home!" My mom yelled to my dad. My dad hustled in almost falling. " What's going on ?" I asked " you know that magizine "Interview" that you love so much?!" My dad asked already knowing the answer. "Yes!?" I said confused " well they want you to intern there to write articles and do fashion stuff for them. !" My mom yelled excitedly. " OMG I can't even right now how do they know about me?!" I said now jumping in excitement. " well your father heard on the radio the other day on his way to work that they needed interns-" my mother said being cut off by my dad. " so I sent in some pictures of the make up and hair you do and I sent a picture of your clothing ideas book. Oh also some of your writings to show your writing ability. " he said bragging. " THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU DAD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! " I screamed jumping into his arms then my mothers. " when's my first day?" I asked calm now. " well we first have to talk to your school first so we can figure out the days you go." My mom said " I'm so excited, I have to go tell Ellen and Carter on the group message." I yelled as I was running to my room.
On group message
A: Guys I have really good news
C: what is it ?
E: what!?
A: Interview magazine wants me to intern there! 😻😄🎉
E: OMG yes congrats
C: high five babe 🙋
A: thanks 🙋 I have to go get work cloths bye ! 😘
C: bye ❤️
E: bye! 👏
I drove to the mall with my moms credit card I told her not to give me for she has done so much for me, but she insist. When I got to the mall I went straight to Urban Outfitters , trying to find funky but at the same time classy clothing for my job. I heard that at Interview they wear nice things but also things that let them be who they are, so I got clothing I have always wanted but to scared to buy. I was looking at an awesome 5SOS record that was very over priced by Urban Outfitters. I was about to put it back when someone bumped into me causing me to drop it and it break. " OMG this was one if the most expensive records here , now I'm going to have to pay for it!" I yelled more disappointed than angry, bending down to pick up the three big main pieces and other small pieces. " Ashlynn I'm so sorry I can pay for it..! " A sorry, familiar voice said. I turn around not disappointed anymore when seeing the face ........ " Niall..."- " Ya...again I'm sorry" he said interrupting my day dreaming. " No no it's fine with me but he doesn't look to happy." I said as an employee walked up to us. " ok I'm going to make this quick who is paying for it?" The employee said who looked a bit younger than us so it was weird getting in trouble by him. " I am" Niall said. " No no Niall don't" I lied. " I insist " he said with puppy eyes.
After everything was settled we walked out. He got a jacket and of course a broken record. I got some pencil skirts and dresses that say nothing but me, well I'm sure if someone else bought them they would say the same thing. I was about to walk away going about the rest of my day when Niall grabbed my arm from the back. "wait!" He said " ya?" I almost whispered " Uh do u want to go see a movie sometime or -" I cut him off " ya of course that would be fun!" I said a bit to excitedly then calming myself throughout the sentence. " Great! Well um here's my number and we can figure out the date sometime!" he said very excitedly as we exchanged numbers.

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