Mistakes Can Be Fixed

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Has been quite a rough weekend. Besides the point, here is chapter 4. I also hope all of you enjoyed your Halloween night yesterday. Thank you for reading.

(Art by my awesome friend.)
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El's Pov:

I stared at Itsuki as she hit the arrows perfectly on the red spot of the target. I'm so proud of her, she still manages to remember her archery skills even though she couldn't practice for two years. Speaking of two years, it's been a while since Dark hasn't returned to us. I'm sure he'll be here, he promised. Though..it wouldn't hurt to check.

"Oi, Itsuki. I'm going to check up on Dark. I don't want anything happening to him."

She turned to me and nodded with a smile. With that note, I dashed quickly to his house. Before I could reach the doorknob, I heard yelling. It sounded like if he were talking to himself. I gathered up my courage and opened the door quietly. There in front of me, was Dark looking at the floor while he had his knees and hands on the ground. He faced away from me as well. All that could be heard from him was mutters. Something isn't right here. I closed the door..slowly. Unfortunately, it made a loud squeak as it shut close. This was enough to get his attention as his ears perked up as a reaction. I took a step forward, hoping to bring him outside with Itsuki and I. His head turned at my direction very slow, along with his body. It felt the same as if a wolf was staring at a rabbit. Watching EVERY move. I noticed his eyes were bright as the blood moon again. Oh no.

"You." He said with a deep voice. One that
would make someone's spine shiver.

I backed away until my back was met with the front door. I started to fear for my life as I remember the things he did to me when he went insane.

He took this opportunity to pounce on me. He lifted me up from the ground by my neck. Only for him to smash my skull to ground, I felt such a horrible pain after the impact. Since when was he THIS strong?! He had me pinned to the ground and I couldn't do anything. I tried to get out of this scene we were currently in, but at lass, he was too damn strong. Is it me or did his teeth appear more sharper? I don't remember him having sharp features. Along with his nails, they looked sharper as well. Needless to say, he started to strangle me. Not enough to make me die in his hands, but enough to make me feel the meaning of torment. My eyes started to overflow with tears out of fear. Of course I let out some small yelps due to the pain. I'm human. I tried to scream for Itsuki. I managed to call her name out, but to my dismay, I didn't hear her approach the door to my rescue. Could this finally be the day I pass away..?

"Everything you have ever done has led to this moment. You chose to fuck with the wrong person. I hope you don't mind being excruciated." He said with a sadistic smile. I need to make this stop.

Dark's Pov:

"What are you doing Dark?! He's my friend! Snap out of it!" I shouted.

He only chuckled as he hid with the purple mist that was surrounding me. Then suddenly out of nowhere, I fell into an endless black pit. I screamed out of my instincts. All I could see was black.


I stopped falling and remained in the center of this void he kept me trapped in.

"You do realize I'm in control right? You're stuck in your own head if you couldn't tell. I'm just making things more..interesting for you. Right now your so called "friend" is suffering by your hands. I even made your appearance look more menacing than your usual self. Be grateful. I as well modified your voice to sound more intimidating. You might ask yourself why I'm doing all these things. Reason why? Simple! So El won't ever forget the voice of the person that is about to kill him who was once called his friend."  He chuckled in amusement, as if he were satisfied with the words that came out of his disgusting mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2019 ⏰

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