Chapter 1

30 7 7

Eli Serrano ^

Alexandria's POV

                People say you are supposed to feel different every time you get to be a year older, but right now I am just tired and grumpy. I force myself to climb out of bed before putting on my favorite pajamas. I decide I am going to take a shower after I eat breakfast. I slowly make my way down stairs to the kitchen and start making myself waffles and bacon. I unlock my phone and check my messages before turning on some music. Cora comes down stairs in her pajamas and bunny slippers, just minutes before the last pan of bacon was done.

"You make us some coffee and I will finish breakfast." She mumbled quietly.

"You are only agreeing to that because of what day it is." I said, while smiling. I was actually very surprised that she remembered my birthday since nobody has mentioned it.

"Why would I care that it is Sunday? If anything I would want to do it even less because normally I am sleeping in." She replied with a confused look on her face.

"I just thought, since umm, never mind." I can't believe she forgot my birthday. At of all the important events to forget she forgot my birthday. I mean I guess it makes sense. Justin got a well-paying, publishing job in Europe, and Cora is at that age where all my mom wants to do is buy her clothes and makeup. Nobody focuses on me or my life.

"Oh thank you Cora, you made breakfast! You are turning into such a wonderful adult." My mother said as she was coming downstairs. The first thing she did was walk up to Cora and hug her. She didn't say a word to me. I quickly poured myself a cup of coffee and made my way outside to wait for the car that I bought myself for my birthday.

I don't mean to sound like a stuck up brat by saying that, but I worked for 3 years straight to earn this car. It's not like I spent all my money on a brand new car that I didn't need. Nobody knows I am buying this car except for myself and the car dealership. It is now 9 o'clock and I have been sitting here waiting for 30 minutes. The car should be here by now but maybe there is traffic or something. Just as I pick up my phone to play solitaire, I get a call from the car dealership.

"Hello" I answer in my best telephone voice. You can tell I am still half asleep by that one word.

"Hello, can we please speak to Miss. Williams?" I could tell the man on the other side of the phone had bad news, his voice sounded low and some-what apologetic.

"Yes this is she, is there something I can help you with?" At this point I was already irritated, if I don't get this car today then I have to ask my mom for a ride. 

I almost forgot I was on the phone when I heard a low voice on the other end, "There has been a slight delay with the delivery of your car, and it will not will not arrive as soon as you thought. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience and in return for all your trouble, we would like to give you a free set of brand new tires."

I wasn't quite sure if he was serious or not but I acted like I was still annoyed by the fact that I wasn't getting my car yet. "When will my car be here?" I responded in a flat tone trying to hide my excitement.

"The earliest we can get it there is probably in an hour, the latest is about 3 o' clock."

"Ok that will work, thank you for letting me know. If it is any later than three, you will have to bring it tomorrow"

"Thank you Miss. Williams, have a great day, Bye!"

This is literally the best news. The tires on the car are pretty worn out so I was going to buy tires. I can't believe I get free tires that is a few hundred dollars I don't have to spend. That gives me birthday spending money. Lilah and I can go to the beach or on a camping trip for my birthday. I stood up from the edge of the curb where I had been sitting and began to head inside. As soon as I turned around I saw Cora walking towards me, she had this look on her face, almost as if she was embarrassed and sorry at the same time. Once she got close enough to touch me, she reached out and hugged me, she buried her head in my chest and started to cry.

She moved her head away from my chest to say "I am so sorry Lexie, I am sorry I forgot your birthday, I am sorry I upset you. I have been the worst sister in the world."

"Cora, I don't blame you for forgetting my birthday. You are only 16, still a child if you ask me. The day has only just started. Just do me a favor and don't say anything to mom. I want her to remember on her own."

Cora nodded before turning around and walking slowly to the porch. I was a little irritated at first that she forgot my birthday too but then I realized she was just a kid. The only one that ever really remembers my birthday is Cora. It might take her an hour or two but she has never truly forgotten it. My mom on the other hand always forgets my birthday. The last time she remembered it was 7th grade. Now she is normally a week too late. I finally went inside after waiting for another 30 minutes.

I needed to take a quick shower so I would have time to get dressed before the tow truck gets here. It takes me about 15 minutes to shower and blow dry my hair. I walk over to my dresser open the top drawer and pull out a tight black shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I quickly put them on and then move on to picking shoes. I decide on my white canvas lace-ups that I had written over a hundred of my quotes on. I slipped on my shoes and made my way down stairs to wait and see if my mother could possible notice something was up. I got down stairs and I saw my mother standing in the drive way talking to someone. I wasn't sure who so I made went outside to find out. As soon as I opened the front door I saw the tow truck. Behind it was my very own 2015 Chevy Malibu. I ran over to where my mother was standing with a big smile on my face.

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