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Well hello there , long time has passed since I updated this book, and well...wrote a message to you.

And guess what? It's my Birthday!!

Yes folks, today, September 25th, I star_skye am celebrating my birthday! Yay!!

I'm getting my first tattoo today!!!
It's something that means a ton to me and I will be adding a picture of it down below ~ (wrote this the night before)

So, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my books and making me feel loved! May this birthday be amazing!


What the fuck dudes - 6.4k on Something Real!!!
I mean, holy shit this is incredible I'm overwhelmed with joy and excitement :)
Thank you all for everything you've done to me,
Honestly, everytime I see a wattpad notification, or just enter the app I feel at home, and like I have people who support my creativity and weird ideas I bring into life so, thank you, from all of my heart!


Love, Star_skye

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