Ch. 10

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*Bakugō's POV*

Going back was pretty damn chilled, like I got chills up my spine, but at the same time, I felt confident for some reason.

I walked back in, and saw a hallway, and not thinking about it, I walked through the always.

The hallway, the more you walk in, the darker, and creepier it got, though, I was real pissed, I couldn't even feel the fright.

I had an angry triggered face, my teeth grinding together, with my nose flaring, also the ends of my eyebrows were facing up.

I was stomping the whole time, looking for that stupid Half'n'Half.

I had the urge to punch someone in the face.

I then saw a window, I looked out it, and there I saw, Half'n'Half, and, he was with Dabi? That villians?

I was looking around, I wanted to see if there was an easier way to get down or... Wait... I could just jump out the window.

But something I didn't understand was why they were so calm? I feel like there would be like arguing or something?

Well I just forgot about it and was going to jump off, but you know, something bad just has to happen, this dude just grabs my arm and says, "hmm, what might you be doing?"

And then second thing you know, you're getting dragged by one of the stupid villain's, that are looking down on you.

But fuck, the more I thought about it, the more I thought about the situation, like what if he were trying to kill me, or experiment on me, or torcher me, the more, well I think you get the idea.

But anyway, I just freaked out, and started screaming for help, and was trying to pull his or hers arm off my shirt, so I could make a run for it, though I knew I was really going to regret it later, well the screaming part anyway.

While I was getting dragged down the hallway, I technically just let it happen, because I gave up.

But let me tell you, that was very embarrassing.

*Todoroki's POV*

I was asking Touya questions, for example on why he had left home, though he didn't really answer.

"Touya!" I yelled, trying to catch my breath.

"Can you address me as Dabi," He was looking around the area.

"Umm... Okay? Anyway... Why'd you leave? You know... Home?" I kinda was concerned

"Because, why?" Dabi, not really caring

"Well, not really knowing one of my brothers isn't the best feeling, okay? Now please answer with a real answer," I said kinda depressed.

"Well, dad kicked me out, he didn't really want me to see me again, he wanted me to disappear, he also told me not to consider myself has a Todoroki, though why would I care?"

I was kinda just getting more sad, "it wasn't my fault you left, right?"

"Why would it be your fault? He just doesn't know how to except people, he only likes perfect, and that all,"

"Yeah, he only wants perfect," I looked to my left, looking down.

"Hmm? Is he still treating you like crap?"

"Well, not really, he stop because he wants to be a good father, but I don't know if I could forgive him after everything,"

"Yeah, I wouldn't forgive him if I were you, it might be a trap,"

"Yeah, maybe you-"


I jumped before saying "What the fuck?"

"Must be that Bakugō dude, probably trying to escape,"

"Fuck, I told him to run, he didn't listen," I said while walking away, and then sprinting.

Getting to Bakugō was probably going to be a little struggle.

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