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Well what the fuck was that! Holy shit I just... did I...who am I? Where did all that confidence come from? Touching Alpha Roman horns like that, which I find extremely sexy. Aw fuck here comes the dirty thoughts. Just thinking about Roman I mean Alpha Roman touching me brings my delighted pus....

"Ariel dumbass dads calling us to the meeting room" Damien called to me in an upset voice.

"What got your panties into a twist" I snapped back at him.

"You do know I can smell you, nasty ass girl" he said in disgust.

"What do you mean?? Oh wait" as I turned to a bright red color.

"I don't know who the fuck I need to beat up but you better fucking change your scent before we go to the meeting FULL WITH UNMATED MAN" yelling the last part.

    Obviously he thought he was going to scare me but instead I broke down laughing. "Yes okay even better for me" as I walked off.
"Shut up" Damien said before flicking me off.

        I walked back down the stairs looking at my dad talking to of course it had to be Alpha Roman and the old Alpha Alex. Okay Ariel
think of something sad think of something sad.

"Hey dad" I say normal trying not to look up at Roman

"Ah Ariel come here remember Alpha Roman and his dad Alex." My dad says smiling at me.

"Of course I do I wasn't that young to forget" I giggle as I gave Alpha Alex a hug.

     He always treated me with so much respect and treated me as if I was another one of his daughters.

"Ariel look how much you grown! Such a beautiful young lady, have you found your mate yet?" Alpha Alex asked me

    Roman didn't take his eyes off of me. He looked like he could rip someone's head off with the question his dad asked. I wonder what got him so worked up.

"Haha thank you and no mate just yet but there is a certain someone I got my eyes on" I smiled looking down. As you may know there's not a certain someone just Roman but he doesn't need to know that

"ENOUGH let's go to the meeting" Roman growled giving me the most sexy look.
Walking into the room full of males, I know they can smell my scent. My unmarked scent that drives unmated males crazy. Looking around I see Damien and Emily I walk over and sit between them. Damien glaring at me I laugh knowing damn well Damien always had a thing for Emily.

"EMILY I MISSED YOU" hugging her tight

"ARIEL THE ONLY SISTER I HAVE" while she hugged me back. Emily has always been a sister to me. We were so close before I had to move away from the pack house. We still kept in tough but it's not the same when we get to see each other in person.

"So Emily have you found your mate yet? Any cute new guys or whatever. You know asking for a friend" I winked at her.

"Uhhh I mean well how do I say this" she blushed looking at Damien

"What you think pendja" (bitch) Damien growled picking me up and switching me to the other seat.

"Oh OH MY GOD THATS GROSS AND DISGUSTING" I yelled pretending to throw up.

     Realizing how loud I was all eyes were on me. All the unmated males giving me the look of hunger, winking at me and I couldn't feel more embarrassed. Damien got up about to say something to them but got cut off when Sean walked through the door.

"If any of y'all motherfuckers TOUCH my little SISTER I'll come over there grab you by the neck and snap it. Now everyone get up and show respect for your alpha" Sean said giving death stares to the males

Alpha Roman walks with his eyes pitch black I know that's not a good sign. He stares at me again. Why does he still keep looking at me? Did my brothers draw a dick on my forehead on me again? I hate being so clueless. Ah shit there goes his scent again. This time stronger mixed with strawberries and his lust. Damien gave me that look again as if he knows what I'm thinking.

"LEAVE NOW before I snap a neck because that disgusting smell is turning on every single male in here" Damien yelled but whispered into my ears

     I jumped up from my seat running out of the room. What the fuck, why can't I control my scent. That's so embarrassing both of my brother AND my dad has to watch me react the way I did. I walked outside sitting on a swing I see. Swinging back and forth I try to calm myself down looking at my camera to see my face. FUCK ME can I be any more red, why can't I control it. Swinging back and fourth I smell that scent again knowing it's alpha Roman

"Look at me" mason says has he touched my shoulder.

"Please leave me alone, why every time I'm with you I feel like this. I can't even control my own scent when I'm with you" I whine.

"Do you really not know who I am to you" he says pulling a finger on my chin making me look at him. I try to close my eyes feeling the embarrassment coming along. He probably thinks I'm horny childish person.

"Why am I supposed to?" I questioned

"Open those fucking beautiful eyes MATE" he said. My eyes pop open. Surprised on what he said. It couldn't be, no it couldn't he's lying.

"Liar I can't be your mate why me" I said to him. He got.... angry picking me up from the swing and slamming me on the grass. He wrapped his big hand around my neck and came closer to me right next to my ear.

"You heard me, did I stutter? No I didn't you're my mate no matter what. I don't give no fucks if you don't want me. You'll obey to me as your Alpha, as your mate" he whispered in my ears. Giving small kisses on my neck. I felt the sparks when he did. He wasn't lying he is my mate. I felt happy, excited, wet.... should I call him daddy? Is he into that? sounds pretty hot to me. What I did next came to me as a surprise.

"Yes Alpha" I obey.

Yeah I'm not usually this submissive but this is different.

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