Sneek Peek Sorta

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Guys this isn't an actual chapter... I'm just trying to see if this book will be better in 3rd pov and so far I really like it better. My writing sounds better and its kinda easier to write. Tell me what you think 😊

3rd POV:

After Scott had left Elana set to explain what happened in her dream and at school. She described everything in detail cringing at the memories.

Derek had listened to her intensely the whole time, raising an eyebrow or furrowing his brows from time to time.

They were both sitting in Derek's car now, driving to the hospital.

"so was it a memory, because it felt like one but... " Elana trailed off knowing that Derek got what she wanted to say.

He nodded his head in answer speeding up to the speed limit on the new road they just turned on.

"I think so, it's just strange that you weren't seeing the memorie from your.... side" Derek paused at the end of his sentence trying to pick out the right words.

Upon hearing his answer Elena groaned and buried her head into her hands, she stayed in that position for a couple of seconds before sitting back up.

Derek had looked at her when she moved, he felt sorry for the girl, she git chucked into the warewolf world and now she was dealing with this. He sighed and looked back at the road.

"I know that we can take memories from others but that's not what happened, I'm not sure, maybe it's nothing." Derek voiced his thoughts

Elana nodded mumbling "I hope so". She didn't know why but she had started to feel or sense others emotions rather than smell them lately. And it's been happening more and more, she could feel how tired her mom was when she came home the other night. Or that time she felt hiw confused Stiles was in one of their lessons at school. Right now she could feel that Derek was both confused and worried.

A small smile grew on the girls face making Derek narrow his eyes at her. His lips twitched upwards ever so slightly at the sight of her smile, he hated admitting it to himself but Elana was really beautiful and she was starting to really grow on him. He liked her company so much now that he felt bored on his own, missing her sarcastic comments. He cured at himself silintly for the thoughts that ran through his head.

"what is it?" he asked her referring to her sudden smile.

"nothing" Elana mumbled smiling at him.

Derek rolled his eyes at her lack of response. He turned into a gas station saying he had to fill up his car.


This is just a test sort of chapter I will post the full chapter soon. Let me know if you like it better in 3rd POV because personally it's sort of easier to write in more detail and with more emotion in 3rd POV 🤷‍♀️

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