Chapter 17: The Tell Part 3

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Parents struded through the halls of the school, some with their childer by their side, some alone. For once the high school was filled with adults, a lot of whom had studied at beacon Hills High school. The older teachers recognised their old students and cobversated about life after graduation.

Melissa Mccall anxiously walked, arm linked with Elana's, towards the scince classrooms. Scott was supposed to be there with her, not Elana, but he was nowhere to found.

"did he answer yet?" her stressed voice rang in Elana's ears.

With a shake of her head she reached for her phone once again to check for any response form Scott, trying to ease her mothers nerves.

A sigh escaped her lips when she saw no notifications from Scott.

He better get here soon. She thought to herself as they entered Mr. Harrison' classroom greeting the hated teacher and taking a seat.

"Sorry, where is Scott?" Harris questioned looking from Elana to Melissa, that latter squirming in her chair at the stress.

"he should be here any minute now" Melissa answered with a small fake smile, trying to be polite.

They sat in a long awkward silence awaiting Scotts arrival for minutes before the teacher spoke up.

"let's get started without him shall we?" he suggested noticing the panicked expression on both of the ladies faces.

With a quick nod from Elana Mr. Harris began.

"Let's start with Elana since she's here. Great girl, very smart, does her work on time and gets the best grades in class. I actually wanted to suggest moving her up, I'll give you time to think about it."

Melissa smiled at her daughter, being proud and happy that she's achieving good grades.

"However, lately I have noticed she's been a bit more on edge, now that may be due to Scotts adn his friend Stiles Stilinski's influence or something different. I'll get more into that later."

Elana shifted in her seat uncomfortably at the mention of her changing behaviour. She hoped her mom hadn't noticed it, but deep inside she knew she had.

"On to Scott, Lately Scott's mind has been somewhere else, as has his body. Personally, I think it may have something to do with his home situation." Mr. Harris continued

Both Elana and Melissa furrowed their eyebrows at the mention of "home situation"

"Oh, well, personally, I'm not sure what you mean by 'home situation.'" Melissa stated glancing at Elana who looked about just as confused as she was

"Uh, specifically the lack of an authority figure."

Elena glanced at her mom, giving her a confused look.

"Yeah, I'm the authority figure, so -"

"Sorry. Allow me to clarify. I mean the lack of a male authority figure." Harris inturupted Mellisa making Elana scoff.

She would love for her mom to get out there and start dating again, but she knew that Mellisa might not be ready for that.

"Oh. Well, trust me, we're much better off without him in the picture." Melissa stated with a forced chuckle

"Well, does Scott feel the same way?" Harrison Questioned.

Elana rolled her eyes, she hated whe. teachers assumed home situations, especially when the teacher was Mr. Harris

"Yes. I think so. I hope so." Melissa answered unsure of what her son actually felt.

"I feel the same way, and so does Scott." Elana blurted out clearly irritated with the teacher giving her mother more stress and insicurities than needed.

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