Chapter 15: Painting the Town Part 1

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Back at Beacon:

"All right you maggots, listen up!" Sarge yelled. A couple of students, including Nora, wanted to shoot the Warthog's gun. Glynda said they couldn't in class, but that didn't stop from doing it outside of class. Luckily Sarge was okay with teaching them.

"Shooting a turret is not the same as shooting hand held weapons!" Sarge exclaimed. A student raises their hand and Sarge points to them.

"How?" she asked. "You just point and pull the trigger, just on a larger scale." Sarge got triggered by this.

"Now you listen here missy!" He yelled. "Any two bit soldier can aim and fire a gun. But it takes great skill to fire a gun with a large recoil and spread, while moving on a vehicle!" the student puts her hands up.

"O-okay I get it!" She said nervously. Just then Grif pulled up with the Warthog with Simmons at shotgun. Simmons hops out and walks towards the students.

"All right, who's first?" He asked. A bunch of students raised their hands. Simmons looked around and pointed to a male student with black hair. He had a black shirt on with a green sweater over it. The Black shirt said "Honor triumphs anger" and he had grey cargo pants.

He does a little fist pump and hops on the turret. Grif starts the engine. "All right," Sarge said. They were out at the target field and one Dummy had a bunch of signs pointing at it that said "Shoot me!" "Grif's going to drive the Warthog around the field and you have to try and hit the dummy."

"Cool," The student says. "So when do we―AH!" Grif stepped on the gas and headed straight for the dummy. The student turns the turret and holds the trigger. The turret spins up and starts firing. Most of the bullets miss. They drive past the dummy. The student turns the turret but does so very slowly as it was heavier than it seemed. He points the turret behind the warthog. Girf takes a right turn and the turret was still facing trhe back of the warthog.

"HEY!" The student yelled. He turned the turret towards the dummy again but Grif made another turn. "Grif stop turning I can't keep it locked on!" Grif drives back to the rest of the students and then stops the car.

"A lot harder than it looks huh?" Simmons asked.

"Well of course when Grif keeps turning all the time!" the student complained.

"We have to deal with that all the time when fighting in this thing," Sarge said. "Now imagine a moving target." The student shudders at the thought.

"All right, I get it," he said. He steps off and Simmons turns to the students.

"Who's next?" Simmons asked. Student raised their hands but Nora just ran and got on the turret.

"Start her up cream puff!" Nora yelled getting excited.

"What'd you just call me?" Grif asked.

"Just go," Simmons said to Grif. Grif grunts and begins moving. Nora aims at the dummy and begins firing. When she hits it enough times Grif turns left. Nora gets a big toothy grin and moves the turret back onto the dummy as fast as Simmons or Sarge would. The bullets are still landing.

"Grif, knock it up a notch," Sarge said over the helmet comms.

"You got it," Grif said. That was when Grif started to drive speratically. Braking hard to throw her off, sharper turns, faster turns, even donuts. No matter how much he did, Nora always stayed on target, there were times where it would look like Nora would fall off but she always recovered.

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