Chapter 26: Valentines Special!

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Girls from all of the schools flocked into the arena. For some weird reason every girl that was currently at Beacon for the festival got a scroll message last night telling them to come to the arena an hour after dinner. Most of them were actually curious as to what was going on but of course a few didn't care and just went to their dorms.

Murmuring amongst the crowd began all of them wondering why they were gathering in the arena. However a certain blonde brawler stepped forward and jumped onto the stands getting people's attention. She puts her pinkies in her mouth and whistles very loudly causing complete silence.

"Ladies!" Yang yelled. "As we all know Lovers Day is approaching us very quickly! Guys will be giving us chocolates, flowers and ask us to be their love for the day!"

"I'm not seeing a downside there!" Reese from Mistral said. A couple of other girls laugh.

"Which also means we will get a lot more creepy stares from guys, and more flirt attempts. And let's be honest those get pretty annoying after a while." Most of the girls nodded in agreement.

"Where are you going with this Yang?" Blake asked. Yang gets a big grin on her face.

"I'm saying that Lover's day is mostly for the guys. But I say we girls get some action as well!" the crowd started to murmur in agreement. "However I also think we should do so without the boys knowing so!"

"And how do we plan on doing that?" Weiss asked with her hands on her hips. Yang's grin grew wider as she reached down below the railing and brought up a bag.

"With these!" she tosses the bag down and Weiss walks up and unzips the bag to reveal a bunch of wires connected to small devices. Weiss blushes furiously when she realizes what they are.

"Yang no!" Weiss said.

"Yang yes!" The brawler said holding up four more duffle bags.

"Are those… cameras?" Nebula from team NDGO asked.

"Yes it is my purple haired friend," Yang said. "And you don't have to guess where I plan on planting them."

"But how do you plan on putting it in there?" Dew from NDGO asked. Yang stands up and looks at the girls.

"I can't put it in there, as my girls," she said motioning to her breasts. "Would give me away. We need someone who can pass off as being a guy, isn't shy around guys, and can act like they belong in the room."

"Question," a girl from atlas asked. "What if we're not into guys?" Yang gained a bigger grin.

"You're surrounded by a bunch of girls right now, and you're going to ask that?"

"Point taken!"

"Why are there multiple ones?" May from team BRNZ asked.

"Well if we were willing to take the risk I was thinking of setting them up in some all boy teams." A couple of girls perked up even more to this. "Everyone okay with this? If you aren't that's okay, just don't ruin everyone else's fun by telling a teacher or the guys."

All of the girls nodded their heads.

"All right then," Yang said as she clapped her hands together. "Let's get a-scheming."

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