The final battle:Journey to the Netherworld

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Herobrine sliced Notch in half and Notch was dying.Herobrine started to send everyone to the nether so they could be punished by the zombie pigmen.Steve fought all the zombie pigman to face Herobrine.Steve got to Herobrine and he tried to stab him but Herobrine was to good for him.Herobrine pushed Steve into the lava,Steve grabbed on to a piece of stone held on for as long as he could.Then he realised that you don't need weapons to fight,the mind is the key.Steve used his mind to jump to saftey and to defeat herobrine.Herobrine was angry and he charged at Steve but Steve dodged him and then pushed him down into lava.Herobrine was defeated.Steve then reappeared in a prison cell with the key to get out right in front of him.The key was his mind.

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