Crame's TNT master plan

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Steve was walking in the forest were he was once atracked.He knew he was getting close.Steve arrived and he explored.Suddenly he was stabbed by a TNT scout.Steve woke up in an evil lair and he was surrounded be TNT scouts.The TNT scouts were given orders by Crame.Then Crame appeared!Steve was told"You are given ordrrs by me now,your first task is your last.Destroy minecraft with my stash of TNT or suffer in prison!"

Steve refused and then kicked one of the scouts.Steve saw an arrow and he jumped for it.He shot as many scouts a he could and then came up against Crame!Steve sliced Crame but then Crame shot TNT at him.Steve had two lives and Crame had eight lives.Steve gave up and he was kicked out of the lair.Steve was lost but he still wanted to find out who is behind all this.
Then the sun went down and steve had no weapons.But no mobs came.TNT came out of nowhere and everything started to explode.Steve died and he could not respawn.

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