Part 8

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Mark moaned softly, but it still echoed off the walls rather loudly. He couldn't help it. He hadn't showered in months. It felt great to feel the hot water run over his tense muscles, relaxing them. Outside the door, a soft knock drew his attention. Mark froze, listening carefully until Sean asked him through the door. "Mark? Are you alright?" Mark chuckled to himself, calling out to Sean happily. "Ya, I'm great! Come in here!" Sean slowly opened the door, grumbling out a bit darkly. "Mark, I swear... If you splash me with cold water, I'm going punch you in the-" Sean stopped talking when he saw the steam rising from Mark's shower stall. Mark grinned at him, telling him excitedly. "This place has hot water!" Sean released Chica's leash, closing the bathroom door to slip into a shower stall a few stalls down from him. Sean began to strip in his own stall, forcing Mark to look away. The shower stall walls only came up to about their ribcages, but it was revealing enough of Sean to hold his attention. The more he looked away, the more his eyes were drawn back to Sean.

Mark eventually gave up, standing under the hot water as he stared at Sean. Sean hadn't noticed, he was too focused on what he was doing. Sean tilted his head back, letting the hot water rush over his face. Watching the water splash over Sean's pale skin was captivating. He hadn't realized how dirty Sean was, until the water smeared the dirt down his skin. He even noticed that Sean had bruises that he didn't know where they had come from. He had gotten so used to seeing Sean in his baggy clothes, that he had forgotten how lean Sean was. Sean bowed his head, his arms flexing as he reached back to rub the back of his neck. The way Sean's long brown bangs fell forward to blend with the rushing water streaming off his face was almost angelic looking. Sean let out a deeply satisfied sigh that made Mark's reluctant heart skip. Sean opened his eyes, staring at his long brown bangs as he muttered out. "My hair has gotten so long... I really should cut it. Think they have scissors here?" Mark couldn't answer, his mind was a blank. His whole body was looking over every inch of Sean, trying to commit this image to memory.

He barely processed that Sean's ocean blue eyes were on him, until Sean asked him nervously. "Mark? Something wrong?" Mark jerked his head away, turning his eyes to his own showerhead as he mumbled out awkwardly. "Nothing. I just spaced out. Sorry. What did you say?" Sean let out a very light giggle, before replying innocently. "Don't worry about it. Wasn't important." Mark clenched his jaw, avoiding looking in Sean's direction as he grumbled out. "Don't get the wrong idea. I was... I wasn't looking at you." Sean's response was a simple emotionless; 'Mmhmm.' Mark finished washing himself and dressed into the new clothes he had brought in with him. Loose sweatpants and a baggy shirt felt so good. He gathered up his other clothes, starting to make a quick retreat. When at the door, Sean asked him hopefully. "Mark? Can you bring back something for me to wear? Maybe something to cut my hair too?" Without looking at him, Mark nodded. Putting his clothes into the truck, Mark searched the aisles to find the things for Sean.

Collecting a set of clothes that he was sure would look good on Sean, he searched around for any grooming kits. Lucky enough, there was an aisle for travel kits. Taking one for himself, he made his way back. Setting the clothes and a kit on one of the sinks closest to Sean, he moved to another sink to shave his own beard down a bit. He was almost finished, when Sean suddenly stepped out from the shower. Mark's eyes instinctively went to the mirror to look behind him at the sound, causing him to do a double take that led to him nicking himself. Dropping the razor into the sink, he pressed a finger to his neck, muttering out darkly. "Fuck! Warn me next time..." Sean started to walk over to him, asking very concerned. "Shite, are you alright?" Mark extended a hand out to stop him from approaching, averting his eyes as he grumbled out. "I'm fine. Just... Put something on." Internally, Mark beat himself up. Why was he acting like this? It made no sense. His heart belonged to Amy and yet... He felt like his heart was becoming unfaithful.

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