Part 22

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Mark grabbed Sean's hand tightly, his eyes searching the crowd of followers as they were herded in with the new people toward the barn. The more Mark tried to resist the crowd, the harder they pushed them toward the barn doors. Squeezing Sean's hand, he told both him and Mari seriously. "Just stay together and don't let go." Sean quickly took Mari's hand and together they stepped beyond the large barn doors. Inside was like nothing Mark had ever seen before. It was a massive barn with wooden stadium seating along the sides, all facing a large metal fenced in rectangle center. At the far end was a much higher stage platform that overlooked the barn. Hanging from the rafters were banners with the large symbols of each horsemen, behind what must have been their throne chairs. Just under their stage, appeared to be a set of enclosed stables with iron bars. Standing in one stable cell was Death's horse. The crowd of people pushed the newcomers to the open gate, forcing them to follow Death and Lilith out to the open center.

Once the last of them were shoved inside, a set of Death Stalkers slammed the gate and locked it with a heavy chain. The hair on Mark's arms stood up. He didn't like this. It felt like an arena. Death moved to the far end of the fenced area, turning slowly to address them as his followers quickly seated themselves. "I'm sure you are scared. All this is no doubt... overwhelming. So, let me take the time to explain." Death gestured with his hand toward Lilith and she gave a beautiful curtsy to them all. All while Death told them calmly. "This is my Priestess. She is my most faithful. She was once just like you. Scared. Alone. Lost. Now look at her. Since showing her the light. She has become the most gorgeous creature on this earth. She is living proof that you don't have to fear this Apocalypse. You don't have to be afraid. The dead around you do not wish you harm... unless you have something to fear. Some deep pain that you keep in your heart. Your fear is what weakens you. To live. You must set yourself free. And I can help you."

A tattered looking woman in the group spouted out defensively. "How?! These creatures are everywhere! They kill everyone! What makes you so god damn special?!" Death tilted his head in her direction, answering in a darker voice. "I am Death. These creatures are under MY control. These creatures plague you because you all have forgotten what true power is. Well, judgement day has come. And if you plan to live through our reign. You better bow... or DIE." One of the men in the group, chuckled out to the others. "What a load of shit!" Death raised his hand into the air and let out a loud whistle. The barn doors slammed shut with a loud 'BANG.' Everyone turned to look, but Mark quickly turned his eyes back to Death. Death was lowering his hand and sliding it behind his back casually as sudden high-pitched laughing started echoing around the barn. Mark looked for speakers, until he saw the yellow eyes under the audience stands. Sliding out of little dog flaps, a set of large striped Hyenas began to creep through the bars of the fence toward them.

Their bodies looked half eaten and matted with both fresh and dried blood. One was missing a jaw, but his long tongue still slid over his top row of sharp white fangs. Another was missing all the skin from its face, but its body was still fuzzy. None of these Hyena's seemed to have the same traits, but it was hard to tell with them moving around. One looked like a licker. Another looked like a Hunter. There was even a really BIG one that looked to be a Juggernaut! As they circled, Sean pressed himself against Mark's back, uttering out softly. "Mark... What do we do?" Mark swallowed hard, trying to think. He hated not having his weapons. The group began to squeal and panic, huddling up to protect themselves. Death looked completely unfazed. Instead, Death approached the closest Hyena, causing it to whimper and bow before him. Mark watched completely perplexed. How was he doing it? Death reached out to pet the creature, telling everyone in the barn. "From the earth we all come from and to it we will return. These wild beasts have risen to show us that human wealth means nothing. Life is precious. You can submit and live as equals among them... Or to the earth you will return."

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