Chapter 8

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The exam had been interesting, the first phase was a test, me and Naruto easily past, even though Sakura had risen her hand, since our team had four members, it was fine if she left. The second phase was in those death woods, I managed to get the snake pedo to run away, it took one of my strongest spells though, but it wasn't that bad. We had ended up gathering up in this fighting room, we were told we would be fighting, I zoned out for most, I did pay attention to Naruto's fight though, he is keeping up his weak act, he doesn't want our plan to be ruined because danzo found out about his new strength.

Finally it was my turn, I am against the Yamanaka girl. Ino. We both walked onto the platform and I didn't take on any stance, she seemed enraged by this, I suppressed a smirk, she was making it worse for her getting angry.

As she charged forward my eyes flashed black as the ground rose up and restricted her, she forced her hands together and before I knew it she was trying to invade my mind. I growled out as the tears fell as her invading forced up painful memories from fairy tail. She herself was crying as she too saw the memories, I released a deadly growl and growled out "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Head!!!!" She stumbled back at the force of my killing intent. The tears stopped falling but hers did not as she gasped and asked "H-how? How are you still living? All of that stuff... no one could survive that!" I sneered and simply replied "I had no choice sadly." Before I did a backwards kick and she was kicked into the wall unconscious.

I was announced the winner but as soon as I headed up stairs I immediately went to Naruto and hugged him, burying my face into his chest, I've told him all about my past, he cried through every second of that, and he knows how painful even one of those memories are, let alone viewing multiple.

We were getting many stares, but Naruto stayed calm and wore an aloof expression as he held me while I silently cried. By the end of the exam, we were given three weeks before the finals. Me and Naruto did more training, I focused on things that would keep my weaknesses protected, like my mind, and Naruto focused on fuinjutsu.


When the finals came, I was out of it, the hokage already promoted me to chunin, so I was taken out of the finals. I had already put our cabin home into the space world I created, and I was ready for when me and Naruto leave.


It was chaos, absolute chaos, I was frantically searching for Naruto. I ended up at the sight where the hokage is, and watched as he was killed, I suppressed the thoughts of how sad Naruto will be when he finds out that he couldn't kill the hokage himself, he may seem nice, but he has done nothing beneficial for Naruto.

I followed naruto's scent and when I found him my victory smile faltered before it disappeared as I saw him passed out. I ran to him and immediately checked for a heartbeat, I sigh in relief when I heard a steady heart beat. I healed all his wounds, my eyes shining a bright light green.

Once he was all healed I picked him up and with a flash of my purple eyes, we vanished right before a shocked Sasuke, I left a note where we were, addressed to Sasuke and Kakashi.


We were now in my dimension world, when I appeared, the pack approached and sniffed Naruto, questioning if he was alright, he was the male alpha, I the female alpha, they were clearly worried for their leaders.

Once I assured them he was fine, I took him inside our cabin and laid him to bed, when he awoke, we would leave to our next destination, the dimension we was in was coincidentally called 'Naruto.' The one we are going to now is called 'Hunter X Hunter.' I know Naruto will love it.

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