Chapter 6

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We finished some boring missions and everyone had split up, except me and Naruto. I gave him a small smile and said "Come on Naru, I'll treat ya to some ramen!" He nodded and gave me a smile, a blush has been adorning his features since this morning.

We arrived at what Naruto called 'Ichiraku Ramen.' Apparently to him, it is the best ramen shop in the world. I watched happily as he devoured so many bowls I was worried he wasn't eating properly. I decided to ask "Hey... Naru, are you eating properly, I mean... are you eating enough?" Naruto looked down and replied "No... but before I tell you why, can you please promise me that you will never hurt these villagers unless I ask you too or it's an emergency?" I nod and he continues "Well, the villagers sell things to me at extreme prices. That is if they actually allow me to buy anything, and they rarely sell me any food that isn't poison, rotten, or weird, if they do sell me food it's at extreme prices. Also, they try to find me and corner me, then they beat me up, luckily no rape... yet... also, every year on my birthday there is a festival, and during this festival there is an event called the fox hunt, in this event all that have gathered to participate try to kill me..."

I felt tears stream down my face and I immediately embraced him, echo snuggled into Naruto and willow snuggled into me. Naruto was blushing so bright that lava would be jealous. When we separated there was no more tears and I said "Your just like me naruto, though... I think mine is more severe... I'll tell you about it another time, but now... let's finish this ramen and then we are moving you to my place!"

Naruto brightened up and hugged me, and before I could say anything, he kissed me, when we separated we were both blushing an equal shade of crimson. I quickly said "Let's go." He nods and grasps my hand and we run atop the roofs heading towards his home which was for some reason in the red light district.

We arrived at his place and he quickly gathered all his belonging in the apartment, once he was done I grabbed his hand and as my eyes turned purple, we teleported to my cabin, which was outside our pack cave. Echo and willow wanted to stay here so they ran to the wolf mother.

I showed Naruto around the cabin, it was quite large, I asked him "Naru, do you want your own room? Or do you wanna share with me?" Naruto blushed crimson and stuttered out "W-with you I-if it's not t-too much trouble." I nod and grasped his hand as I led him to my room.

The room is simple, a single queen-sized bed with green blankets and two green pillows, the sheets were a creamy white

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The room is simple, a single queen-sized bed with green blankets and two green pillows, the sheets were a creamy white. The floorboards were a light wood, to the right of the bed were three windows, between the two square windows is a drawer for clothes, currently only the first draw is in use. In front of the bed is nothing except two shelves adoring the wall with books on them. The walls held candles and a single light upon the roof. To the left of the bed is a side table with a candle, and further to the left, is the door to the bathroom, and beside that is the door to enter and exit, on the far left wall from the door is a sketch desk with lots of art stuff.

I scratched the back of my head and said "Sorry if it's not a lot." Naruto embraces me and then says "its enough." I nod and kissed his cheek and said "you settle in, I'll go get the bath ready for you, you must really want a bath." Naruto nods and hugs me before starting to unpack, I enter the joined bathroom and begin running a bath for him, I turn the shower on too, he can soak in the bath and clean in the shower.

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