Chapter 7

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"Ok, I'll go report to the hokage." Kakashi waves ya goodbye as he leaves to report to the hokage. Sakura tried to ask Sasuke for a date, but got rejected and Sasuke left. We started walking around, Naruto stopped pretending to be all loud and happy, his team didn't really seem to care, pieces of shit. The past month I have been training Naruto while the entire team has been doing lame D-ranks.

As we were walking, we had a run in with three kids, they called Naruto boss and then, the one with the long scarf, Konohamaru, said "Hey! Is that your girlfriend?" He had pointed at Sakura, Naruto sneered and said "No way! This is my girlfriend." I erupted into a blush as Naruto pushed me forward. Sakura tried to hit Naruto probably miss hearing him like the bitch she is and I caught her fist and glared, she seemed to have ignored it or not even seen it because of how stupid she is.

She began chasing the kids, Naruto seemed scared, I presumed he was scared as his pstd is probably reminding him about his past with the abusive villagers. He never leaves my side, and he did ask me out, and ever since we've been stuck to each other like stink bugs during mating. We chased after the four and came to the scene of a sand ninja holding Konohamaru by the scruff and his two friends behind in fear and a piece of shit Sakura bowing and asking for forgiveness, weak.

I came forward and with a growl said "Put. Him. Down." The sand ninja sneered and said "No." I growled and my eyes flashed red as his hood was lit with fire. They returned to their usual blue and the fire went out. The sand ninja had dropped Konohamaru in the process and I had caught him.

I glared at the sand ninja and said "Fuck off, your pissing me off." The sand ninja sneered once again and this time Naruto got pissed and growled, the sand ninja flinched at the growl, Naruto wrapped his arms around me and growled out "Stay away from my mate!" His growl filled the entire area. I could sense another person along with Sasuke.

Sasuke jumped down and through a rock at the hand that was reaching for the puppet on his back. A red head kid then reprimanded the sand ninja and apologised to us. I ignored it and as me and Naruto were about to leave, the kid asked "what about you two, what are your names, I'm Gaara of the sand." I sneered and said "You, May only know my last name, Karma, my boyfriend here is Uzumaki, you don't deserve our first names, if you wait, you will soon learn our names, but until then, you shall not know."

Me and Naruto left, we went home and I cooked us some ramen and we began eating as me and Naruto discussed our plan, we had discovered danzo the piece of shit on the ninja council, had come up with a good enough reason to get Naruto exiled from the village, and he would be doing it after the chunin exams, but we were only going to be using the wait time to train.


We had received our chunin exam forms, and me and Naruto had been training relentlessly, I learned a new ability, well two, the first turns my eyes aqua, it allows me to manipulate things, I don't know the full extent, but I was able to have Kurama materialised, Naruto was happy he could introduce me to his mother figure. The second turns my eyes a navy blue, it allows me to control time, I use this to transfer the pack cave, animals, and our home, to a dimensional world I created so that our home will never be harmed.

Kurama called both me and Naruto Kit, Kurama really likes my name since it's what you call a female fox, vixen. Me and Naruto were prepared, we were ready to leave.

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