His Butler: Finding Love

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Ciel's POV.

     She was a nice girl and very open although her mark that belongs to my butler does make me confused. Sebastian took her to her room to get her changed. I am not looking forward to tonight because I have her to tend to along with Elizabeth. I must make a choice to either I dance with Elizabeth wile Sebastian and sierra joins us or I still entertain Elizabeth wile Sebastian and sierra go to Sebastian's room and hang out till I finish.

Sebastian's POV.

     I had jest received an order to dress sierra in an evening gown because Elizabeth is coming over in the next couple of hours. As I brought sierra over to my room to get her ready for our evening with Botchan and Lady Elizabeth I had a very unusual thought, "Sierra, You have my contract symbol and I was wondering, besides the fact that you got it as a tattoo, why would you have a mark that eather marks you have a contract with a demon (specificly me), or you want to be a demon. What is the true reason why you have that mark"? By the time I finished asking sierra why she had the mark we had reached her room. Then after we enters the room and closed the door she than started talking,

"Sebastian, ever since I saw you I wanted to be a demon more than anything, I than got this mark on my hand thinking that it is the closest thing to ever becoming a demon. I would do about anything to become one." I was a little shocked and was definitely taken back by her response and willingness to be so open with me about wanting to be a demon but it felt somewhat right to think that one day, I may turn sierra into a demon. I got sierra dressed in a dress made by me. Its ball gown with ruffles in a blood red color and put on her shoes wich matched her dress perfectly. I then herd ciel calling for me so I picked sierra up (bridal style) and carried her with me to go see what my young master wanted.

"I would like you to take sierra back to her room and get her stuff, than I would like you to take her into your room and entertain her until she falles asleep. Than come back here and help me get rid of Lady Elizabeth. Leave now, Elisabeth will be here any second." Ciel ordered me.

Sierra's POV.

      As Sebastian carried me to my room he seemed strange. It looked like he wanted to tell me something but didn't know if it will hurt my feelings. After getting my stuff he took me to another part of the house I did not even know was here. At the end of the hallway their was a door. Sebastian turned around and said "This is my room, You are never to come here on your own, it is not safe." Then he opened the door and signald me to enter the room. It was pitch black and I must have hit something when I walked in because when Sebastian lit a candle my leg was bleeding.

"Tisk, Tisk, You should not have walked that far if you could not see. Well, come here so I can clean you up, wile leading me over to the far corner of his bed.

"Ow, That hurts. what is that?" I squeaked.

"It is a spray that will clean your cut. Please excuse my question but, Is it true? What you wrote in your diary?" Sebastian said extremely calm with that famous smirk of his.

"YOU READ MY DIARY?!! That means you know...Its true....I....I do Love you Sebastian Michaelis" I said shyly.

(OK so looking back and reading this it's sooo stupid. Lol. I wrote this like 3 years ago and although it's getting more popular again, it's so bad. Sorry for the diary part. I know it's so 'Mary sue' but I was younger and it's all I could come up with. Between my other story's and trying to finish this one wile balancing school and band, I'm not going to re-write this any time soon but hopefully you can just stick with it. *Stay Odd*)


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