Mai's Feelings

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Tijo and his father carols finally arrived at Down Burro and they went through the wall of the house and inside stood Mai paceing the floor, shouldntly she let out a sigh and placed her hand underneath her chin.

Mai: I wish Tjijo was here. i sure hate when he runs off like that, but he drives me insane for thinking about him because i love him no matter and were ever he goes my love for him will always be with him.

Mai finally set down at the table waiting for Tijo to return. Tijo feeling that he was at fualt tried to reach for her but only to see that his hand only passed right through her. He started to scream her named.

Tijo: Mai! Mai! Why cant she hear me?

Tijo started to look not at ease and was feeling the guilt of the years he ignored her becuase of an huge argument.


Tijo started to train that day swearing he wouldnt let anybody else die because he was to weak. He started his training in the woods slashing at several trees. Mai came bringing him some tea for him to drink but soon seen how exhasuted he was. Mai looked at him concerningly

Mai: Tijo you need to rest. your to exhuasted from todays training.

Tijo turned to her and starred at her eyes

Tijo: I cant let anybody else die.

Tijo said this in a sad tone. Mai was so concern that she putted her hands around him and started to brush his hair.

Mai: I know you will be strong someday but you dont need to push yourself so hard.

Tijo then pushed her away and looked at the ground.

Tijo: how do you know?

He said questionly, Mai eyes then moved down a little bit and then she let out a big sigh.

Mai: I dont know but you will injure yourself if you keep this up. i will always be with you and protect you as long as i live.

Mai said this emotional with tears in her eyes. Tijo got angry feeling that he was insulted looked up but diidnt look in to her eyes

Tijo: How do you know you will always their for me?

he said a quielty. Mai quickly looked up and was confused on what he was asking.

Mai: Huh. What are you saying?

Tijo then smirked and started to yell at her while looking at her eyes.

Tijo: Mai! How do you know you will be their for me! Huh! Mai!

Mai looked at him shockingly never seeing him like this before. She started shed even more tears as if they was like a flood. She began shaking her head.

Mai: Whats wrong with you! Tijo!  i will be here for you and protect you always!

Tijo then gretted his teeth and then slamed his fist in a tree in frustration.

Tijo: You cant be their for me all the time. I must be able to hold my own ground and be able to protect my self. I cant always do that if your always with me. I Hate you Mai! I dont want you to protect me anymore im not the same kid as i was back then.

Tijo said with anger and frustration written all over his face. Mia looked at him and felt as if her heart was broke with tears still rolling from her face. Mai was in rage and started to yell at him.


Mai said this with so much anger and ran off and tijo not relizing what he just done.


Tijo looked at his father and started to question him.

Tijo: Why cant she hear me father.

Carlos chuckled at the dumb question that his son asked.

Carlos: do you not relize were spirits in the spirit world. this is the only reason you can see me now.

Tijo eyes widen as he thought he was dead. He started to stumble over his words as he looks around at hes body.

Tijo: Am........I............rrrreeeaaaalllllyyyy...........dead.

His faher started to laugh at him as he hitted his legs trying to calm hem self.

Carlos: No your not dead my son. I brought you here with my powers as i am now a spirit in the spirit world.

Tijo letted out a big sigh in releaf, but question has also puzzled him.

Tijo: How do i get out of here?

Carlos looked at his son with a serious look in his eyes.

Carlos: i have been waiting for you to ask that question my son.

Carlos smiled and let out a small chuckle.

Carols: i have been wanting to test your strength and now i finally have the chance to do so because the only way to get out of here is to defeat me.

Tijo eyes widen because the only way to escape the spirit world was to defeat his own father with sword that was given to him. Tijo finally came to after being in total shock. Tijo gritted his teeth knowing that his father will know ever move he will make before the battle ever begun.

To be continue

Chapter 4 Father vs Son

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