Chapter 5

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"What?" my four of my brothers yelled

"I'm pregnant and in having a kid" I said

"The father is that pilot guy right?" Jace asked

"Is he going to marry you?" My brother Cole said

"What no that's the brother" I said

"Is the father going to marry you?" Cole said again

"We've talked about it a bit but I don't think so right now the baby will take his last name" I said

"What's his last name?" Cody asked another brother who is Coles twin.

"His initials are JW" I said they didn't say any thing "Jackson Walker"

"The bulk rider?" mark my brother yelled

"He dose business with us" mike my last brother and also marks twin brother.

"He said the same thing" I said

"What was the pilot guy talking about shipping your horses?" Ace asked

"Um... I'm going to have my six brood mares and sweetheart, doc cherry and vodka be shipped to Jackson's ranch so I can have my own horses their even know if I can't ride for two weeks." I said

"Why can't you ride? your mom rode all the way up till each of you were born and Cole and Cody were almost born in the west paster since she was helping herd the cattle.?" daddy said looking worried

"I'm kinda on bed rest and yes he said it was fine to travel Jackson ask the doc about a hundred times about me traveling or working which I can't do since Me and one of the horses I was training didn't see eye to eye on some thing and ended up with bruised ribs and probable a bucking bull didn't help my ribs" I said

"Your stupid to ride a bull pregnant!" Jace snapped

"I didn't know until a few days ago and it took a hell a lot of convincing get Jackson willing to let me fly or even leave the ranch didn't help with his mother."

"What about his mother?" Mark asked

"She first accused me of just in for Jacksons money then snapped at me about taking her grand baby away" I said mad

"Did Jackson want to come with you?" Mike said

"Yes but I told him you guys would have likely tried to shoot him and I told him to stay their to get caught up with the ranch work." I said

"You were right I would have shot him" Cole said and my other brother nodded in agreement

"I'm going back with you" Jace said

"Me too" Ace said "I don't want you to get stressed out about your horses me and Jace can take care of them then Mr. Walkers ranch hands won't have an excuse about being behind on the work"

"I will marry ya if he doesn't" Jace said my head ,my brothers and daddy all looked at him. "I will treat ya right and pound some sense in to him after words."

"She's mine" Ace said picking me up and putts by me in his lap and had his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him. He was doing this to piss of Jace his brother.

"Okay its settled Ann will take her horses back to Walker Ranch Jace and Ace you trailer the horses there. which ones are you taking?" Daddy asked

"My six brood mares, vodka, doc cherry and sweet heart" I said "I have whiskey at jacks ranch already and doc cherry is breed along with the six brood mares"

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