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(Talla encounters an old love interest)

(Talla's POV)

Adrenaline pumped, as I ran. Sirens wailed, getting closer? How did he find me? No idea, all I know, he's not alone. None of the Nohrians have the skill to track me down. he had help? who gave it to him? 

Wind whipped my ponytail as I ran through the woods. My shoes delved deep into the mud, caking them. I had no time! How!? Tears rushed, seeing black droplets. Why me? I stopped at the edge of a local lake. My Xeylan face reflected up the broken surface. I sighed, as I plunged deep into the water. The surface shattered like ice, I swam 'till I blacked out. Somehow I was in his arms. The world suddenly felt so right, yet so wrong. I jumped, turning to face him. It all took so long to forget! 

"How?" My voice shook. Yet, my undertone was threatening. 

"I followed you, it was easy. Twisting  your commander's arm and she sang like a bird..." His buttery voice rang. 

Slowly everything clicked, he was the one who kept me running. Always making me believe my life was in danger. In ways, he was my enemy-my friend and worst of all-my ex-fiance! He reached out his hand, touching my frail face. Shivers of vulnerability ran through my spine. Yet, it also felt of pure desire. 

My eyes closed before my real senses clicked in. My crystal eyes gave looks as hard as diamonds.  "NO!" My lips set a frown, as he kept stroking my face. I melted like putty. His cat like emerald eyes dug into my soul, tearing my fragile heart. 

"You will love me!" His eyes slanted as he teeth grew into sharp ivory fangs. 

He was truly becoming disgusting, yet hypnotizing. Our eyes hooked, we crouched ready to strike. He wasn't the only one with new tricks. I sped, reaching out-slamming my fist into his back. He screeched, contorting with pain. I returned grinning evilly. My instincts and my Union Military Training told me I was ready for this moment. Screams were like torture, mixed with glee. Why? Was he ready too? I did love him once. Our fury finally ended, repeated blows back and forth.  

Suddenly, I felt something in my heart. This feeling wasn't love, hate, nor fear-but a knife. I now saw myself floating. A dress rested upon me, my hair spilled a crossed a velvet pillow. While my security office pendent was wrapped around my pale wrist. I watched my body. 

I loved him from afar. I smiled too...

(A/N: I wrote this before Talla came aboard the Orville. So her character might be written wrong.

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