Soul's Shell

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(Ed ends up in a coma, this portrays whats going on in his mind.)

-Ed's mindscape-

Footfalls bound across the translucent like, stirring the waters as if waking them tenderly from a snooze. They drowse back into their tranquil stillness. The sky- a deep royal blue. No cloud swimming through it's vastness-seems to emanate the color; making it larger than life. Imposing it on every fleck of dirt and on every blade of rich grass. 

Nearby trees surrounding the expanse of water, whispering soft messages to one another in the warm breeze. Although, their branches leaning over to caress their neighbors. Sounds of childish laughter echoes through the valley, as a boy continued his path over the water. Euphoria reflected in his warm chocolate brown eyes, his enthralled gaze persevered the banks of the lake. He lept over fallen branches and spiraling around the trunks of trees.  

In front of him,  a single child appeared. Though he thought a faded mirage. It followed his course flawlessly at the banks of the lake. Whom actively avoiding the navy edges. Now and again, it drew their eyes to the coruscating ones of their creator, sharing a knowing laugh. Ed kept running until finally reached the end of the trail. His doubles gradually dissipated as remnants flow back into his body, feeling refreshed. Out of breath, flushed and pulse thundered. He looked from his black uniform shoes, dried mud crusted on it's rims. 

Suddenly, three people congregated before him. None were aware of his presence, nor did he want them to. Slowly creeping to the side of the bank, the muddy water graciously stayed silent beneath him. Crouching until his head was only visible above the ridge. Attention was brought to the man first. His face creased around his mouth, corners of his eyes showed evidence of a "happy" life. Laughing was heard, something Ed hadn't heard in a long time. He almost smiled along, as his attention brought to the woman next to his dad-his mother. 

Now sitting all on a checkered picnic blanket. A glass of cooled 2075 white wine was in her soft hands. While condensation framed her nimble fingertips. Her face stretched into a mild grin, which caused her eyes to become slits. A sparkling of ivory showed through the gap. her hair short, almost bob like, just like Ed always remembered. Although, no "aged" photos could prove it. 

Finally,  the last of his attention fell on his ex-wife Kelly. Her knees near the two adults, she always commanded attention from only whose present. His gesticulation revealed that she was the source of the familiar amusement. While showing a glint of pride in her eyes. Ed kept watching as he fondled the grass at his feet, tightening his and into a fist. he tugged the foliage out of the Earth, watching new pastures in the areas.  

His younger self surrounded in darkness, pulsating in waves to the beat of his heart. All reminding him of the delicate life under that thin skin. Within that electric pulse, the possibilities for that life to drive to immutable halt... The boy rose his head, staring directly into the eyes of his older self. If Ed didn't know better, he thought his younger self actually saw him. Ed knew why he was brought back here in this moment. Although everyone never really visited this exact same spot. A sudden in exaltation of breath from behind, while Ed frantically drew his eyes to Kelly. Whose hands grasped tightly on her chest. Deep down he knew what was happening, yet unable to stop it. 

"KELLY!" He screamed, never to be heard. He rose from his position at the water's edge. His feet now submerged in the once-liquid. Which now turned into a thick viscous crimson substance. Ed ran as the substance splashing in his wake, finally breaking free. Once trapped again to view the heartbreaking moment of his life...

His ex-wife shuddered against the Earth. Air filled with clatter of the family. All where out in the middle of no where, except for Ed. Kelly's pulse in impressed to Ed's transcendent eyes almost seeing her frail heart. A silent exhalation brought stillness, as her head rolled to the side. Her blue glass eyes starring upward towards Ed.   

"Take me away from here..." He thought to himself. "Take me away from her..." His thoughts repeated. Past memories danced, before darkness immersed him limb by limb; into all encompassing depths. 

-In the Orville's medical bay-

The sound of heels of vinyl and muffled voices surrounded him. Ed's brows contorted in confusion. He opened his eyes slowly, forcing light itself into his pupils. In pain, he closed them again. On the third try, he succeeded. Finally sitting up, he felt strings of pain as a nurse was trying to scan him. His first response-panic. he stopped himself as he saw rows upon rows of medical beds. All carrying weight of bodies like abandon ships. He flexed, surprised at the rigidity. Once seeing Dr. Finn, he exhaled. Eyes sharp in realization, despite his short lived pain. 

He was back...

(A/N: I wrote this trying to be surreal somehow. I don't think it worked all that well. I wanted to try something new, in this Ed's memories are mushed together after a battle and ended up in a short lived coma. In this Kelly does die on the battlefield as Ed only sees it as a family outing gone wrong. Sorry this was a long part.

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