Missing Way

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(Teleya uses the a new simulator aboard a Krill ship)

-Inside simulator: Environment 1140: Cliff side-

Her feet hurt as she walked across the lake's rocky shore. She willingly ignored it, along with the evening's soft chill. This wasn't the first time she'd been here. She had grown to the feelings by now. The water was her escape, her safe place. She'd been coming here for the past few months since her incident with Ed and the Shaktals. Especially when she felt threatened or scared. She wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon, no matter how cold it got. 

She made her way up a little nature covered cliff. A spot where a landslide broke several years ago. The land that withstood was strong, she would use it as a diving spot. With a strong running start, she jumped while screaming. A small amount of water flew into her mouth, as she went under. She sank for a split second, as she propelled to the surface. She spat and coughed the dirty-stinky tasting lake water. Once she felt ok, she floated upon her back like Ed taught her. Her breath was in rhythm with the small waves. 

As she stared upon the cold stars, she finally felt at home... 

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