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(A teenage Kelly Grayson relives some trauma.

(Teen Kelly's POV)

I ran upstairs of my front porch, with tears of abomination. I don't even know how I gained the strength to get out alive. I slammed my front door to only see HIM

How did he arrive here so fast? How was it that he could put that stupid ugly smile in front of my own parents?  As if he did nothing wrong...

When I came through the door, everyone glanced at me. I ignored all their plastic stares of worry. I glared straight at his devilish face, and demonic grin. A feeling inside me wanted revenge for what he did to me. However, another feeling was telling me to stay away. He could and would do all this over again. 

I tried to wipe my face from the harsh tears. I never wanted my dad to think I'm weak. I ran upstairs to my room, ignoring all the calls from my "loved" ones. I slammed my bedroom door, to only be opened again by my own mother. 

"Sweetie, what's the matter?" She acted like she actually cared. 

I glared up toward her with so much hatred. "WHY DO YOU CARE!? GET OUT!" 

She just disappeared, I glanced around my room. I noticed it beginning to change into "HIS room". That "room" where ti all happened. I can see and feel every action. I felt like I was experiencing it all again. I can't help to feel his touch, and those words that kept me there all night. 

I tried screaming for help, but it's no use. No one cares, as he muffles me. I black out, yet I can still feel- I just can't move. I'm trapped in my own body, and I can't escape...

(A/N: I wanted to try something different with Kelly. Write something from her past, than her character on the show.  I never really liked her as a character on the show. This is the "edited" version. I did have a "mature" and more graphic version of trauma. I'm not brave enough to post it, in case I get a lot of hate and get reported for graphic depictions of sexual abuse.  Thank you.

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