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Alright so this is a avatar reincarnated story. It will be about the earth kingdom avatar after Korra So lets dive on in-

The avatars name is Ryu.
Appearance rise he looks like this

Appearance rise he looks like this

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He was born in spring of 212AG. Avatar korra was 59 at the time of her death which will be elaborated on in the story. He's age is 14 years and 4 months at the start of the series . He is an inch taller than Sasuke. He was orignially from our world so he knows a lot about avatar and of the naruto world but his memories are starting to diminish of his previous life, so he will not know everything.
He was born in zaofu and has mastered three of the four elements.

I do not own any of the characters in the story except my own nor any pictures or gifs that I may use to bring the imagination to life.

This will also be a yaoi story so don't like don't read please.

Naruto x reincarnated avatar ocWhere stories live. Discover now