Ch.6- Remembrances

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683 BG- Earth kingdom-City of Zao

    Boom! Tired old eyes opened up surveying his surroundings, his eyes scanning the palace chambers for any of his adversary's. Another loud clash was heard reverberating around the palace. Hurried footsteps could be heard, before the door slammed opened, revealing his twin brother standing their panting, sweat beading down his face,"My king, the rebels have entered the city square", his brother said sounding like he could barely catch his breath.

"So they have finally started the attack then" the old man said "It makes no difference how many times they attack us, we will win again and again", he said surely." But this time they brought the Avatar with them" his brother said fear etched in his voice. A loud bang was heard, before a gust of wind circled outwards out of the doorway. Both occupants tensed up as they heard footsteps slowly making their way over to them.

"Avatar Anana" The earth king said as the lone figure stepped out of the shadows. She was stunning, she had long black hair that was tied back in a water tribe band, darken skin that made a sharp contrast against the light, she wore blue armor on her chest with blue pants and boots. She had a short sword strapped to her back. she stood tall and proud, her body rigid, and a fierce determined expression across her face, her dark blue eyes looked as if she could see deep into their souls.

His brother took a step back, drawing a sharp sword from his side. Avatar Anana barely spared him a glance before refocusing on him."Stop this madness at once, don't you possess enough power as is" She said ,"No, I will not stop till the world is mind" the king said standing from his throne."For ten years this war has been going on when will it end, when the world is up in flames"she said. Don't act like you care my old pupil, remember it was you who decided to hide yourself at your home in the northern water tribe"he said fiercely " and now you finally care when this war is almost over, such is the life of the avatar, only interfering when things are at their worst like a savior you claim to be" he said condescendingly. 

"I can no longer stomach the cruelty you have committed" She said, "I may have turned my back on the world, but no more, I will restore balance at all costs I swear"she said the king turned around letting his back face the avatar,"you will try" he said before turning back around shooting a rock spear at top speed at her, she shot her hand out sending a powerful gust of air out stopping the spear and sending it upwards. In a blink the king's brother was on her bringing his sword down in a downwards cut.

Pulling at her back she brought out the  short sword, parrying the attack and going in a fierce clash, sparks flying as the blades crossed paths multiple times. Feeling the air, heightened across her head, she jumped over a large piece of rock that was sent at her by the king, which hit the kings brother in the chest sending him back. 

Turning back around she shot a fireball at the king. Stomping the ground he brought up a earth wall to block the attack, before collapsing it and sending the rock shards at her. Taking a step back, she spun in a 360 manner generating an air tornado diverting the rock shards away from her. before a rock came up and hit her side sending her back and slamming her against the wall.  

Looking up she saw both brothers standing across the room, "Are you ready brother only together can we defeat the Avatar" the king said before both brothers took a stance, building up their energy together, the room shaking as they brought out a humongous boulder out of the floor before hurling it at her. Right before it collided a hum filled the air before the boulder broke apart a large gust of wind shot forth throwing both brothers back. Looking up the king's eyes widened in shock before being replaced with fear.

Avatar Anana's eyes were glowing a bright white "The Avatar State"his brother said fear evident in his voice. "This ends now"Avatar Anana said her voice carrying a multitude of other voices behind it. A ring of fire appeared around the Avatar's body, before a ring of earth appeared followed by a ring of water. Anana then shot her fist forward sending a large blast of fire from the ring. "Nooo!!" the kings brother said pushing the king out of the way, the stream of fire hitting him head on. 

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