dare 10

124 1 2

Me: that's fair!

Delirious: yes I'm back mother f@#$&!

Cartoonz: let's go pussy!

Jevil: the world shall spin!

He took out some blocks that exploded! Cartoonz got hit a couple times. Cartoonz got some tnt.

Cartoonz: you not the only piece of s#$& that has explosives!

Jevil started to multiply.

Jevil: how about some spades for size!

Cartoonz got cut by all the spades.

Cartoonz: your going down like a house of cards!

He punched jevil in the gut and a spring came out.

Jevil: that was good for a practice round!

Me: keep it coming guys!

steven x spinel ask or dareWhere stories live. Discover now