Chapter 1

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⬆️Ivy⬆️"Drew my gosh, why don't you just ask Carol," I say but I'm interrupted

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"Drew my gosh, why don't you just ask Carol," I say but I'm interrupted.
"Move you Dyke," I hear someone say and push me away from them and into Drew.
I almost drop my books but Drew catches me and helps me steady myself. Yes you hear that right, I'm gay. The only LGBT+ person in the whole entire school. When I moved here my freshman year I thought it was going to be a nice school. I realize how wrong I was when they mention a girl who used to go there and say nasty things about her only because she went to pride. I didn't want to hide my true self but I was scared to be bullied. I finally got up the courage and came out; turned out way worse then I expected. Now it's my senior year and I'm still getting bullied for who I am.
"Sorry, but you should just ask her out. You've been talking about her since sophomore year."
"It's alright. Also how even am I supposed to what if she says no?"
"You're going to ask her to homecoming, I'll help you make the poster."
"Come on, we got to go to Civics."
We walk into the history room and I sit down at my pod clear across from Drew but the teacher has assigned seats. I open up my notebook and continue the story I'm writing. I hear the bell ring and close my notebook hiding it between my books.
"Okay class, we have a new student today. We won't be having class due to homecoming next week. Demi you'll be sitting by Ivy and Jack over there," she says pointing at our pod.
Jack is like the most of our school and hates the lgbt+ community. I look at the girl and I'm quite taken aback by her. Her brown hair flows down in the most natural way, her brown eyes catch practically every guy in the room.
"Hey, I'm Ivy," I say as she sits down.
"It's nice," she starts to say but Jack interrupts her.
"Don't be friends with the Dyke, don't be  stupid."
She seems taken aback about what he had just said. I hope she supports lgbt, maybe I will have a new friend.
"It's alright, I'm quite used to it."
"No it's not, it's disrespectful. It's 2019 for goodness sake," she says quite angered.
"I only got to deal with it for one more year."
"How do you even handle that, it doesn't make you angry?"
"No, it's not worth it."
"How could you say that? I'm Pansexual and that makes me angry."
"You'll have the whole school hating you, if you say that."
"The fuck, is the school filled with immature people?"
"Yes," I say laughing at her a little.
"How have you survived?" She says placing a hand on my arm.
"I don't quite know. Guess I have to thank drew for that," I say, looking at her hand quickly.
"I heard my name," Drew screams from the other side.
I roll my eyes at him and look back at Demi. She is so fucking hot, how is she gay?
"Here's my number text me after school," she says as she hands me a piece of paper.
I'm so taken aback by her giving me her number, how is this even possible? I'm going insane this can't be possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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