I Am NOT pushing away...

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I sat back down in my spot in our circle.

Oh my god , I just kissed a girl .

Mya: sooooo what did you guys do?

She cooed scooting closer?

I jumped startled because I was so consumed by what just happened.

Hazel: N-nothing. *i cooled down and acted chill* she just wanted to see if I would look better in girlier shit ... news flash, I didn't. We didn't have enough time to go through all her clothes anyway. shit sucked

Mya: Aww... bummer . I hope she takes me back there and gives me a makeover too. I will take some many pics for Insta

Hazel: right.

I couldn't hold a conversation with her I was so tangled up in thought.

I would think I was hallucinating if the spot on my lip where  she bit me wasn't still tingling. I put my hand up to my lip and it replayed the steamy kiss again.

The rest of the night was normal for sleepovers. I mean the girls got mani pedis but I'm not that kind of girl so I set that part out. We watched a movie but I couldn't even tell what it was about because everything that was going on through my mind was her.

Fuck. I think I really have a crush on her. I don't think straight girls do this. I've dead ass been daydreaming about how beautiful she is and how she talks to me, what she says to me... how she kissed me.

Once everybody else K.O. from all of our smoking and maybe a little drinking, Destiny came and sat in front of me. I was scrolling on my phone I thought everybody was asleep and I didn't want to be bored. I lowered my screen to her beautiful face.

Destiny: sooo how are you liking my party?

I cracked a tiny smile .

Hazel: it's been chill, fr

Destiny: did you enjoy yourself ?

Before I answered she straddles my thighs with her legs.

Hazel: *blushes* whoa I-

Destiny: don't worry I'm not doing anything ... I just wanted to be closer.

Hazel: uh..

I was stuck on stupid.

Destiny: are you going to  answer me? Hopefully you enjoyed yourself because I did . You are great kisser

I couldn't help but look around scared that someone wasn't actually asleep and is watching Destiny straddle my lap in her lingerie... that's not easy to explain.

Hazel: *almost whispers shlyly* I did. You're a great kisser too

Destiny: kiss me

I wanted to jump out of a window but I also wanted to kiss her so hard. I wanted to put my tongue down her throat I can't deny it.

Destiny: Hazel don't make me do everything if you like me prove it. I really like you.

Before I could think I firmly wrapped my hands around her waist and kissed her . I couldn't hide the passion I was feeling.

Destiny pulled away slowly and whispered in my ear

Destiny: goodnight .

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