I Am NOT a liar

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*Destiny left pic, Ember Right Pic!*

It's been about a week since that night Destiny's stayed over at my house. I still can't believe I had sex with her ... it was amazing. I know we didn't go crazy and do all sorts of things but it was big it was both of our  first times and it felt crazy.

Destiny rubbed on my butt as I laid across her on her bed.

Destiny: you're going to be mad

I groaned

Hazel: whhaaatttt ?

Destiny: remember when I said one day Me, Jayda, and Ember have to go to the museum and you said you would go with me?

I groaned again .

Hazel: nooooo I thought today was just gonna be us chilling

Destiny: yea me too but of course they picked today to do it

Hazel: fine. I just don't like tip toeing. It sucks that I can't even peck your lips around your 'best friends'

Destiny: *sighs* I know ... just a little more time

Hazel: yea. *gets up and starts putting on shoes* get ready so we can go

Destiny: *sighs and gets dressed*

We got to the museum and Destiny looked at me after she parked.

Destiny : please just try to have fun and be chill... I'll buy you ice cream after

Damn it she got me.

Hazel: fine ... let's just not make this take forever

We kissed and pulled away then got out the car and went in.

When we got in Ember and Jayda were already waiting.

Ember: woooowwwww so when were you going to tell us you were bringing her? 

Destiny: I forgot, let's get this over with.

The three girls haven't been nearly as close since we started talking. Destiny and Ember are constantly bickering and Jayda comes with a portable charger and headphones wherever we go.

Jayda walked off first stopping to look at an old vase.

I caught Ember looking at me. This time she wasn't glaring though, it almost seemed like she wanted to say something to me.

Destiny saw her too. She looked like she wanted to snatch me away. She basically did.

Destiny : alright Hazel lets go to the caveman exhibit *pratically drags me away*

Hazel: what was that ?

Destiny : what was what?

Hazel: why'd you pull me away so fast

Destiny: did you want to stay and chat with Ember? *glares at me*

Whoa... I saw a hint of jealousy in her eyes.  Why would she be jealous?

Hazel: bae chill it was just a question

She ignored me and started reading a plaque.

Okay... moody much.

She bent over to read closer and I smacked her butt

Destiny chuckled then scanned the room to make sure no one saw it.

Destiny: stop it silly! We are in a public place .

I groaned

Hazel: there's nobody over here ! this is why I don't ever wanna go anywhere now. Don't  suck all the fun out of it for me.

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