I Am NOT freaky

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I was desperate to impress Destiny when I woke up on Monday morning. I got up earlier then my alarm and took a shower. I played music loud enough for you to hear it throughout the house. I was in a great mood.

I gave myself a bun on the top of my head and put in my gages. I tore my new room apart looking for the perfect outfit. I chose my light pink polo shirt with some khaki joggers and my matching light pink Jordans and of course my chain. I sprayed cologne into the air and walked through it like 5 times.

I got a FaceTime call from Destiny and answered cheesing.

Hazel: hey boo

Destiny did a double take.

Destiny: damn you look good. Can I come pick you up?

Hazel: hell yes please! Seeing that beautiful face in the morning would be the perfect way to start my day .

Destiny: good because Im already here

She beeped her horn and I couldn't help but laugh.

Hazel: damn  couldn't wait on my reply I see

Destiny: noooo I couldn't boo. I miss you too much

Hazel: well here I come

I jetted down the stairs and basically flew to her car

Hazel: hello beautiful

I cooed pecking her lips

She whined so I went in for another kiss. She held my face as she kiss depended.

I pulled away quick

Hazel: whoa , hey we are in the front of my house I don't want anybody to catch us

Destiny blushed

Destiny: I'm sorry I just missed your lips

Hazel: it's okay just damn.. I wish you would act like this at school instead of in front of my house.I miss yours too. Let's go , I don't want to be late

We pulled up to the school to find Ember and Jayda standing beside Destiny's parking spot . As soon as the car was off they invaded.

Ember: where were you this morning !? *whispsers* we had to ride the bus!

Destiny: sorry I was picking up Hazel *she smiled sheepishly as we got out of the car*

Ember: wooowwww ... so what is this ?

I blushed. I wasn't sure what Destiny was going to say. Is she going to tell them we are dating... is she going to tell them we are friends?

Destiny: guys chill

She rolled her eyes.

Destiny: You can take the bus sometimes let's not be dramatic. Actually fuck that you both have cars you can use!

Jayda: they aren't ours though ! We have to ask for permission!

Destiny: yea and there is Lyft, Uber, taxis....

Ember glared at me and I felt it pierce me but I ignored it. I don't care bruh she's going to be my girl at the end of the day.

Hazel: can I walk you to class ?

Destiny blushed.

Destiny: sorry guys gotta go! See you later

I couldn't help but crack a smile. I half expected her to tell me no in front of her friends.

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